Friday, June 11, 2010

You Arrive

Today, you will arrive.
The air, sun, and trees told.
My heart beats - as if I expect a surprise –

Like a schoolgirl
Waiting for her first date.
A flock of sparrows ahead of me swirl.

On top of this hill
I strain to see.
All is oddly still.

Nothing from the east.
A light breeze tickles,
The precipitation now has ceased.

The sun barely shows
Through the grey hazy sky.
It too is trying to hide what it knows.

To the west of where I sit,
I hear the melting snow
Off the big red barn, drip, drip, drip.

From the south, vaguely, a sound.
My heart leaps.
Are you coming down?

No, not yet.
It was only the far off roar
Of a single jet.

You are still miles away.
Tucked in the mountains,
But, you are coming today.

Time has been swift
It is now past dusk
As my aching body I lift.

From the damp ground
On my feet
I strain, again, for the sound.

Starting for home.
The cattle watch me.
A few give a boring moan.

Once in doors
The warmth tires me, quickly
As the furnance begins to roar.

Soon I am asleep.
Trying to resist
Not going to deep.

Somewhere in the midnight hour
You arrive
Over and over the miles.

I hear the loud crashing sound
Of ice and snow.
As by your strength you break them down.

Taking all
Into your journey
There is no time to stall.

Putting on my coat.
I run to where you are.
You are no longer remote.

I greet you,
My cries are not heard.
Your loud thunder deafens all I do.

The creek has burst
With water from the hills
This is not your first.

Leaping with much delight
For now it is spring
On the prairies at midnight.

Songbird Expression 32.2.19

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