Saturday, June 12, 2010

Can You Hear Me Speak?

Can you hear me speak?
Messages soft and sweet.
Quiet solace sound
Meaning so profound.

Do you know my voice?
The one who gives you choice.
Instead of thoughts that crowd me out.
That starts up all your crazy doubt.

Can you feel my joy?
As I toss you a swimmer’s buoy.
To save you from drowning
In the pool of noise surrounding.

Do you see my face?
When you give me daily grace.
For all that you need.
And, for that which I plead.

Can you taste my victory?
As you overcome your misery.
You’ve quested and you’ve screamed
Lost in what it means.

Do you smell the rain?
Washing yourself sane.
Holding your heart so tight
Avoiding Me with all your might.

Can you hear me speak?
With a voice quiet and meek.
That guides you on a way.
Granting you freedom everyday.

Songbird Expression 32.2.19

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