Saturday, June 12, 2010

It Wasn’t But It Was

It wasn’t the horse
That was in the barn.
It wasn’t the piano
That played the song.
It wasn’t all the lessons
That made me strong.

It wasn’t the independence
That I wanted.
It wasn’t the freedom
That I fought.
It wasn’t the responsibility
That I sought.

It wasn’t the care
That roamed the world.
It wasn’t the sports
That I longed
It wasn’t the instruments
That I carried along.

It wasn’t the size.
That brought me peace.
It wasn’t the hairstyle
That made me, me.
It wasn’t the glasses
That I could see.

It was the moments
That we let go.
It was the time
That we didn’t spend
It was the playing
That we needed to be friends.

It was the warmth
That didn’t flow
It was the lessons
That needed taught
It was your acceptance
That wasn’t bought.

It was the trying to please
That you wanted.
It was the understanding
That couldn’t be
It was the hurt
That you wouldn’t see.

It was things okay for you
That was done.
It was role you saw
That I gave
It was the approval
That I slaved.

It was the past
That I let go
It was the things
That were yours not mine.
It was the beginning
That is mine this time.

Songbird Expression 32.2.19

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