Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blue Sky - Blog Off

I used to have a little black pony. Her name was Dixie and I inherited her from my cousin Milton. She was a Shetland and Welsh cross and had a mind of her own.

One of her favourite things to do as you were trotting down a dirt road was to side step, knocking you off her back before you could say “knocking you off.” I was never sure how she did it with the saddle on, but she did. And, it should be noted that she was smart enough not to do it with small children or those she deemed vulnerable. I was never considered in either category and ended on the ground more times than I care to remember.

My absolute favourite memory of Dixie was on a hot spring day. There had been a lot of precipitation that year leaving small pools of water everywhere. I decided it would a great idea to canter through the alfalfa field going right down the middle of one of the larger puddles. Just like of TV. I visualized it in my mind hair flying, reins flapping in the wind, big smile on my face, Dixie giving it her all, and water splashing everywhere.

(Okay, it should be noted that those horses on TV are trained to do that.)

Dixie must of thought it was a cool idea too. We went back in the field oh about a quarter mile and she cantered right up. My hair was flappin, reins flying, water splashing everywhere just like I imagined that is until about half way through the pool of water where she abruptly stopped and rolled in a matter of milliseconds.

After a moment or two laying on my back, staring at the blue sky in utter disbelief I got up covered in mud, dripping with slough water and shared a few thoughts with my beloved pony. She just stood there patiently waiting for me to get back on the now soaked saddle.

I never did that again and neither did she.

Be sure to check out Busty’s response to the picture I sent her at Bust-a-Blog and here is Blue Skies from Jim Reeves just to help you canter through your day.

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1 comment:

Busty (no pun intended...) said...

I LOVE that story Songbird!! I can just see you cantering through the puddle with your hair blowing in the wind! I hope to hear more about Dixie in the future, she sounds like quite the character!