Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sign, Sign Everywhere A Sign - Blog Off

In 1970 when the Five Man Electrical Band  from Ottawa, Canada recorded the song Signs it was about addressing issues of tolerance and inclusion during a time of political and social change. It was radical, bold, and exciting boundaries were pushed and a new era was ushered in.

Forty years later the world is now the most educated, informed, and highly technologically advanced. And what are our signs about? Telling us to clean up after ourselves and pick up the garbage.

As my friend Rosa would say, Hello?

When I was on my way to go camping with Busty last weekend we were stopped at an intersection and some person threw their fast food garbage out of their car window. Splat - right there beside the camper van. Observing the act of made me feel a little nauseous. I mean really, you are old enough to drive a car but not responsible enough to put your garbage in a garbage can?

Right now in the Pacific Ocean there is an island of plastic soup the size of North America. And, who put it there? We did, you and I are splatting all over the place. We just cannot see it as it is not staring at us in the middle of the intersection. 

The problem is not just about plastic bottles floating around in the middle of the sea. It is cell phones, pens, forks, spoons, computers, plastic food containers, straws, and all that wire stuff covered in plastic used for packing products filling up our landfills.

So, I am curious.

After all of the social, educational, economic, and technological advancements made in the last forty years, do we settle for becoming the era of garbage or do we pick up the doggy dew? And, I do not mean debate about it, bringing in more policies, and additional taxes. I mean are we going to clean up the mess? Plain and simple.

At least doggy dew is biodegradable – wait a mintue -  is it just me or did you notice when we pick up the dew we put it in plastic non-biodegradable material?

Oh boy. Not a good sign.

I encourage you to share your comments and be sure to check out Busty’s blog at Bust-a-Blog. I wonder what insight she has on the picture I sent her this week.

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1 comment:

Busty (no pun intended...) said...

Good thoughts Songbird! I always thought that made zero sense to put dog waste (naturally biodegradable) into a plastic bag too. But, when you're picking it up you want to be sure to use something that's water proof...I have first hand experience with this - it's a 'crappy' job! Thanks for making me thInQ about it!