Sunday, November 3, 2019

Blog Off: It Is Back....

Welcome to the November 2019 Blog Off. 

The picture attached to this blog feature I took with my new camera, which I hold at my heart centre. Turning, I snap photos, then leaving the area without looking at them. 

When I return home I look for the one that jumps out. 

If you would like to participate blog off, please let me know.

Here is how it works:  
I would be happy to share the picture below with you. You would then dive into your own creative intelligence and create from the photo for example a short story, vignette, or poem. You would send your work to me and I would then post your work, giving you full credit and providing links to your websites etc. on thInQ. No foul submissions will be accepted and I have the editorial right to refuse a proposal for blog off. The links would be shared on my social media sites and you would be welcome to do the same. The heading will be Blog Off: November 2019: Name of Participant 

Please email me at or contact me on messenger if you would like to participate. Deadline for submissions is November 15, 2019 at 12, Noon. 

In the meantime, enjoy what is written below. 

Welcome to plant earth, you are here to create. 


Can you see
Just beyond 
The trees
An opening
A space. 

Something calls
Strong and loud
A force that tugs 
And then pulls
You down.

You run
You hide 
To escape the tide
With fearful anger 
You resist. 

Blaming here, 
Blaming there
Alas, my friend
It is indeed you 
That you have missed. 

poem and photo by thInQ

Friday, October 11, 2019

thInQ: A Blizzard, A Pumpkin, Happy Thanksgiving

What does one do when an unexpected blizzard slams your world at the beginning of the Thanksgiving weekend? 

Turn on the tunes. 🎶🎵🎶

Roast up a pumpkin, boil the left over chicken, and attempt to make Pumpkin Soup.   

Nearing the final stages. I am going to let it sit before adding more flavours and orchestrating the purée part. 

The smoke detector only went off once. No fire trucks. 

The kitchen is in about as much disarray as the outdoors. At least it matches. 

Welcome to planet earth. You are here to create. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

thInQ: The Excursion

Photo by thInQ

And, small birds singing to their happy mates. 
Wild is the music of autumnal wind
Among the faded woods; but these blithe notes
Strike the deserted to the heart;  - I speak. 
Of what I know, and what we feel within. 

The Excursion 
William Wordsworth

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Song in My Head: Song of Women

The Hu.

Throat Singers.


Folk, Hard Rock, Traditional, Amazing.

Below is the lyrics translated. 

Imagine. Hard Rock respecting women. 

Welcome to the evolution.

And music buffs, check out those instruments. 

The palm tree grows and flowers As she sings softly my soul retains Honorable lady Compassionate and delicate The Argali springs and flies in the mountains Her fondness melts me languidly Honorable lady Compassionate and lovely The birds sing and tweet in the blue sky They are happy and joyful in their souls Honorable lady Compassionate and mesmerizing With the precious words of your forefathers With the milk blessed road of your mother's, the true path With the power of love for your motherland Have a fighter spirit in your body, be steady As if you were a sword with a sharp blade As if you were an arrow ready to shoot, spring and fly, ride and rise

Monday, September 30, 2019

Song in My Head: Break My Stride

I've got to keep on moving.




Welcome to planet earth. You are here to create. 


Sunday, September 29, 2019

thInQ: Chocolate By Free Style

Celebrated a friend’s milestone birthday at Morden’s Chocolates this weekend. One hour of freestyle creativity. As you can see I developed a story about the gummy bears midnight skate by the old bridge underneath the peaks of sugar mountain nestled near the blooming gum tree where tragically one gummy bear warming himself by the fire lost his toque and melted slightly trying to retrieve it. 

I need get out more. 

Chocolate anyone? 

Welcome to planet earth.
You are here to create.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Thursday, September 19, 2019

thInQ: Creative Rant on the Creative Space

Getting back into a creative space, Christmas pudding, gift giving, sunflowers, a card, the cycle of life, and the creative experience.


A personal thanks to Alex at Rinella, BW Imaging. If I can do this, so can you. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

ThInQ: Autumn, and Robert Frost

The picture I managed to snap yesterday reminds me of the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black
Oh, I kept the first for another day
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Song in My Head: Ardas Bhaee

Ardas Bhaee

Loosely translates into: letting go. 

Lay back, place your hands on your chest area, hold your heart and let yourself be gently carried away by Snatam Kaur.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Song in My Head: Abide With Me

At times it is difficult to simply slow down and rest, not just our heads, but also in our hearts. 

This hymn for all my life has always been a source of grounding. A place to connect with the Divine with no expectations other than to simply be. 

Pairs well at dusk or dawn; as the sun moves. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Song in My Head: Hello


Sock hop

High school dance

Party at your friend’s house 

do you remember? 

For me? A curling bonspiel, pizza, and my team mate hamming it up. 

Ild rather be happy than sappy. 

Music moves our memories, and our imagination.  Tap in. 

Pairs well with a twirl around the deck with your sweetie. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Favourite Things

One of my favourite sounds and smells. 

Love a rainy day. Windows open, welcoming the freshness in. 

Who is with me? Hand up! 

Monday, September 9, 2019

Song in My Head: Veronica

One of Elvis Costello classic tunes. 

He delivers a powerful message in this one. 
We all are Veronica. 

Pairs well, day dreaming while dusty your favorite mementos. 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

thInQ: Thérèse Gonyea Nathanson {Medicine Weaving Woman}

A little while back Thérèse Gonyea Nathanson {Medicine Weaving Woman} share this story on her youtube channel. I have been aquainted with Thérèse for just over a year or so. 

She is deeply insightful and wise; knowledgeable in the art of healing and she has rightfully so earned the title of Medicine Weaving Woman. Her tagline is be the medicine you seek. 

This is a great story.  Enjoy. 

Friday, September 6, 2019

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Song in My Head: Auric Empowerment

Yesterday, I posted a TED Talks discussion on the creative genius by Elizabeth Gilbert. 

Let’s explore this conversation a little bit further. 

Light is a vibrational frequency. "If we wanted to convert Sound to Light, we would simply raise its frequency by forty octaves."  Colours of Sound and Light: Energy, Frequency, and Vibration December 2018. 

Within the vibrational frequency of light, some practitioners through their heart centers can read or tap into codes or messages. As shared by Elizabeth Gilbert, you may have experienced this with an unknown burst or wave of insight that guides you to write something, paint, build, sing, and so forth.  

Auric Empowerment is today's Song in My HeadIt is a collaboration between Lightstar and Steven Libby Starborn Messenger where light codes are translated into sacred sounds. Complementing the sacred sounds are artistic visuals and a musical score. Their work is described as ‘magical’. 

For those of you who benefit from meditation, chakra work Auric Empowerment is a real gem. It contains coding for strengthening your auric field. 

Pairs well with letting go and allowing yourself to receive. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

thInQ: Ted Talks - Your Elusive Creative Genius

One of my favourite discussion on the creative genius.

It never grows old. 

Have we settled? Are we comfortable? 

Enjoy Elizabeth Gilbert and this brilliant discussion. 

Welcome to planet earth. You are here to create. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Song in My Head: She's Always A Woman




One the best from the talented Billy Joel.

She will bring out the best or.... 

Music will transport you where you need to be for the moment you are in; pairs well while holding those special ladies in your place of gratitude. 

Monday, September 2, 2019

thInQ: Duality In The Creative Process

A day of duality and its role in the creative process, making decisions, and following the higher vibe path. (Sorry for background hum) 

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Song In My Head: I Put a Spell On You

IZA in the house. 

A woman who owns her space. 

Pairs well on a nice drive with the sun shining and singing along at the top of your lungs. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

thInQ: The Mysterious Experience

This discussion is about holding those unusual experiences in a different space.

thInQ: Synchronicity

This is a short and snappy highlight on the subject of synchronicity and how it plays a valuable role in your own creative experience. The purpose of this discussion is to get you thinking, and later we will explore the topic of synchronicity further in the future.

Tossed in the Youtube Video by the Police Synchronicity. I can't help myself sometimes! 


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Song In My Head: Back It Up

So much fun!

This Dame has it going on.

Classic, Fun

Pairs well getting ready for date night. Own it ladies. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Song In My Head: Gioli Echo of the Woods

What old is new again, a modern musical twist on playing a Handpan

Music pairs nicely enjoying white tea, while outdoors tending to your garden. 

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Song In My Head: Harmonize

Tell me... 

Harmonize by Rising Appalachia sung directly for the old souls in the crowd. 

Smooth, pairs well after the Sunday family dinner with a nice glass of scotch. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Song In My Head: Uptown Folks

Dope Lemon - Uptown Folks

A folk musician from our beloved down under Australia. 

The guitar hooks caught my attention. 

Pairs well just hanging in my backyard enjoying a sunset. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Sunday, August 18, 2019

thInQ: Manitoba's Sol Designs

A few weeks ago my parents were in Winnipeg visiting. My mom had yet to experience the Farmer's Market in St. Norbert and we decided we would go. Packing up the shopping bags we jumped into Little Red Riding-hood and set off for a shopping adventure.

While meandering through the aisles taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells we came across a gentleman selling handbags. Immediately I was struck by their character realizing there was something special about these pieces of art on display in front of us. 

Pausing to learn more I found out that the handbags were crafted from recycled flooring.  Later, after visiting their website, I discovered that Sol Designs partners with Smile/Epic St. Malo in creating these marvelous pieces. 

This was an inspiring encounter with loads of wins. Below is the link to their website where you can find out where they will be selling their handbags next so you too may examine the craftsmanship first hand.

Click Here to go to Sol Designs

Welcome to planet earth, you are here to create.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Song In My Head: That Man

Oh yeah... so much fun. 

You know I've been calling you for two days now...  Ciao Ciao

Jazz it, ladies you are up. 

Pairs well with a night on the town. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Song In My Head: Angels in Heaven

Featuring Abby the Spoon Lady and Chris Rodrigues playing Angels in Heaven. 

Abby left a violent home by jumping on a train and riding the rails. 

There she met Chris Rodrigues and learned how to play the spoons to earn a living. 

She is remarkable. She champions the importance of freedom of speech and actively promotes street performer's role in a community's culture. 

Learn her story. Intoxicating. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Song In My Head: The Sea

The stream will take us home.

The beauty pairs well with an afternoon nap, when you want to let the music carry you away. 

Monday, August 12, 2019