Sunday, November 3, 2019

Blog Off: It Is Back....

Welcome to the November 2019 Blog Off. 

The picture attached to this blog feature I took with my new camera, which I hold at my heart centre. Turning, I snap photos, then leaving the area without looking at them. 

When I return home I look for the one that jumps out. 

If you would like to participate blog off, please let me know.

Here is how it works:  
I would be happy to share the picture below with you. You would then dive into your own creative intelligence and create from the photo for example a short story, vignette, or poem. You would send your work to me and I would then post your work, giving you full credit and providing links to your websites etc. on thInQ. No foul submissions will be accepted and I have the editorial right to refuse a proposal for blog off. The links would be shared on my social media sites and you would be welcome to do the same. The heading will be Blog Off: November 2019: Name of Participant 

Please email me at or contact me on messenger if you would like to participate. Deadline for submissions is November 15, 2019 at 12, Noon. 

In the meantime, enjoy what is written below. 

Welcome to plant earth, you are here to create. 


Can you see
Just beyond 
The trees
An opening
A space. 

Something calls
Strong and loud
A force that tugs 
And then pulls
You down.

You run
You hide 
To escape the tide
With fearful anger 
You resist. 

Blaming here, 
Blaming there
Alas, my friend
It is indeed you 
That you have missed. 

poem and photo by thInQ

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