Thursday, September 5, 2019

Song in My Head: Auric Empowerment

Yesterday, I posted a TED Talks discussion on the creative genius by Elizabeth Gilbert. 

Let’s explore this conversation a little bit further. 

Light is a vibrational frequency. "If we wanted to convert Sound to Light, we would simply raise its frequency by forty octaves."  Colours of Sound and Light: Energy, Frequency, and Vibration December 2018. 

Within the vibrational frequency of light, some practitioners through their heart centers can read or tap into codes or messages. As shared by Elizabeth Gilbert, you may have experienced this with an unknown burst or wave of insight that guides you to write something, paint, build, sing, and so forth.  

Auric Empowerment is today's Song in My HeadIt is a collaboration between Lightstar and Steven Libby Starborn Messenger where light codes are translated into sacred sounds. Complementing the sacred sounds are artistic visuals and a musical score. Their work is described as ‘magical’. 

For those of you who benefit from meditation, chakra work Auric Empowerment is a real gem. It contains coding for strengthening your auric field. 

Pairs well with letting go and allowing yourself to receive. 

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