Sunday, August 18, 2019

thInQ: Manitoba's Sol Designs

A few weeks ago my parents were in Winnipeg visiting. My mom had yet to experience the Farmer's Market in St. Norbert and we decided we would go. Packing up the shopping bags we jumped into Little Red Riding-hood and set off for a shopping adventure.

While meandering through the aisles taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells we came across a gentleman selling handbags. Immediately I was struck by their character realizing there was something special about these pieces of art on display in front of us. 

Pausing to learn more I found out that the handbags were crafted from recycled flooring.  Later, after visiting their website, I discovered that Sol Designs partners with Smile/Epic St. Malo in creating these marvelous pieces. 

This was an inspiring encounter with loads of wins. Below is the link to their website where you can find out where they will be selling their handbags next so you too may examine the craftsmanship first hand.

Click Here to go to Sol Designs

Welcome to planet earth, you are here to create.

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