Monday, October 25, 2010

I Know Better - Blog Off

According to Wikipedia a bird's eye view is an elevated view of an object from above, with a perspective as though the observer were a bird, often used in the making of blueprints, floor plans, and maps.

One of the great pleasures I enjoy during the summer is biking the Bishop Gradin Greenway. 

The Greenway is a modernized biking and walking path in the middle of an urban setting. Along the route there are several wild life habitats where one can stop and benefit from being close to nature.

For whatever reason last summer I got serious about biking. It was hard work. The first 6 kms were easy. Often by the time I made it home my hair would be standing nearly straight up. I would look in the mirror and say eat your heart out Don King. I was having fun and was proud of my accomplishments. Within no time I was up to 12 kms a ride.

By the end of the season I set a goal for the summer of 2010. Over the winter I was going to get in to better shape and double up the kilometres.

I should have known better.

What I didn’t expect is that over the next few months I was going to be plagued with foot problems and then my car was rear ended - again. I have no idea why people insist on driving into me why can’t they just wave or shout hello. Regardless, this time I got hurt.

I wasn’t overly worried about it. Take some anti-inflammatories – get off them as fast as possible and do some physiotherapy. All should be well and I will be out and about working towards that 24 km bike ride.

I should have known better.

Once spring hit every time I got on my bike it would throw my healing progress right back to the beginning. The furthest I could ride was 8 km. Grrr.

My physiotherapist informed me it was time to start taking the injury seriously as it was chronic which meant going back on the medication. My doctor tightened up the order even further and forbade me to be on my bike longer than 10 minutes at a time.

I was of course going to do otherwise.

I should have known better.

So, there I was on a warm Saturday morning sometime in June biking along way past the 10 minute directive, resolved that I was just going to fight my way through it. And, while cruising along I made a second decision: I am going smile and say a loud hello to every cute guy I meet on this path.

Pedal, pedal, pedal. Smile, smile, smile. Hello, hello, hello. Yeah, this is okay and I am ignoring the spasm in my neck.

Just as I was entering my favourite part of the path which is a kind of hilly and a bit curvy near a small pond that is home to flock off red wing black birds who flutter about when one bikes through their territory I heard a strange sound. Plop accompanied with a warm, wet feeling on the left side of my head.

Oh Gawd. Do not touch it. Just keep biking and smiling no matter what.

Man I hope it doesn’t drip.

Entering the house I didn’t look in the mirror, skip Don King, I just hit the shower.

The next day I went back on the anti-inflammatories and got serious about the physiotherapy.

The eye of a bird shared its view, there is always next summer.

I know better.

Be sure to fly on over to Bust A Blog and see what Busty turned out with the picture I sent her. It has to do with some forbidden fruit or something. In the meantime here is a blast from the past as posted on YouTube The Byrds performing Wasn’t Born To Follow.

What do you thInQ? Post your comment.

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