Saturday, October 2, 2010

An Observation of Beauty Part Two - Blog Off

Okay, so I admit it. At the time, I did not have any comment to the Aesop’s Fable about the Toad and the Frog in Blog Off #15 seriously, nothing would come out. For three hours I sat there looking at the frog in all his glory and zippo not a thought.

However, while making breakfast Thursday morning a tornado of inspiration flooded my mind. Great and I have to go to work! So, here I am writing at 11 pm on a Saturday night pumping out what was floating around.

This fable has many lessons on many levels. The obvious being what we see in others is a mirror reflection of what we exists within ourselves and eventually someone will point that out - generally in an unceremonious way.

Each of us is filled with both light and dark sides. I know that as I struggle with it on a daily basis. If I were perfect – I would be perfectly boring. I enjoy being flawed.

Over the years I have had many challenging relationships and have been left batter and bruised but here is the miraculous thing. Those relationships, while difficult, have ended up becoming the closest and most rewarding. Why? Because circumstances have demanded it, and I had to work hard; looking at me and my behaviour then examining what was going on outwardly. And, wow, there was a lot of communication involved. Listening and talking. Talking and listening. Learning and understanding.

There are of course some relationships that just did not work. That is perfectly okay they probably were not meant to be as there was something a foot that was not for me to worry about. In those cases I just let things go and funny, everything always worked out for the best.

Perhaps that is that thing called wisdom, knowing what you can change – what you can’t and the difference between the two.

The ugliness we see around us may be something we need to work on, especially if we get angry about it– and really so what. So, what. Anger is just the fire that points us in the right direction. All we have to do it breath and look at what the problems are and deal with them. Seriously, it is that simple. It is the fear in our own minds that prevents us from facing whatever ugliest are lurking around.

Part of dealing with the prickles, I am convinced, is that we need to re-learn how to be kinder to ourselves beginning with forgiveness and remembering who we are.

How do I know this to be true?

A series of dreams. I have a friend. Our relationship ended and not on a high note. I was frustrated and disappointed. The behaviour of my friend drove me nearly certifiable. And, there was justification for how I was feeling. Things got to the point of no change no gain, I am done here. Maybe I needed more patience, maybe not. But, here is the thing I had a series of dreams where this person appeared to me in total white light and we were speaking soul to soul. Soul to soul. It happened more than once. When I woke up I wanted a shot of vodka – holy cow – man that was weriod. However, drinking vodka at 7 am was not a good idea!

I don’t mean to get all new agey or spiritual or whatever tag you may wish to attach to the sharing of this experience. However, it got me to thinking that at the end of the day each of us is on this earth for a reason. We each have experiences, lessons to learn, challenges to overcome, pain, joy, the whole human gamut. Everyone we meet comes to the banquet with their own interpretations of joy and pain; everyone’s brains, bodies, and emotions being uniquely wired. No one is the same. However, at the very essence – the core – we are all great big balls of white light. And, maybe in spite of all the outward behaviour and appearances we really do speak to one another soul to soul and our darkest hours - those crazy ugly times - are really our brightest moment’s - maybe we just have to let the light shine; thanking and blessing the perpetrator of the ugly moment for giving us the gift. All I know is that I experienced love beyond what any word I could describe, and gosh how liberating it has been. I never expected that.

I learned something else this week. A member from the First Nations community spoke at a lecture I attended. He said in his language there is no word for forgiveness. At first I thought, huh? Then he continued speaking. In his culture, a perpetrator of ill will is adopted by the family who has been harmed by the individual. There is no word for forgiveness because it is an actual act. I was blown away by the beauty of it all.

It does not mean you get away with continual ugly thoughts and behaviour, but it sure beats being stomped on.

Let me know what you thInQ! And, while you are doing that hear what  Eminem and Rihanna Love The Way You Lie are talking about as posted on Youtube. It seems to me to be one of the most honest pieces of music I have ever heard.

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