Saturday, October 2, 2010


Portrait of John Law, by Casimir BalthazarImage via Wikipedia
Millionaire, The Philanderer, Gambler, and Duelist Who Invested Modern Finance by Janet-Gleeson 1999 is an intelligently written biography of John Law, an economist, banker, financier, author, and gambler. Born in 1671 in Edinburgh, Scotland his family were bankers and goldsmiths. Law was known for his sharp financial mind and craved more than just banking. He was suave and attractive and he allowed his love life to rival any Danielle Steele novel. It is worth noting he died broke in 1792.

Janet Gleenson does a wonderful job at capturing the essence of the times and of the demeanour of the man John Law. I found the read amazing, puzzling, and at times it is quite the roller coaster ride as Gleenson takes you to through highs and lows of Law’s life and the thirst for wealth and power. It certainly is fascinating.  A must for anyone who loves drama and the economy.

Gleeson is the author of the bestseller The Arcanum, The Serpent in the Garden, and The Thief Taker.

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