Saturday, November 13, 2010

Everything Royal - Blog Off

As told by The Great Sphinx of Giza

Ahem, breath.
Ahem. Sigh.
Ahem. Schlip.

Oh, that is better, I ab sorry the dust add sadd aroudd here really gets to me sobetimes.

Ahem. Gulp. Come closer friebd, closer, that is better.

If I could obly sbeeze– ever sibce Bapoleob blew off my bose I have issues. Yes the great Sphibx of Egypt, the keeper of ubiversal mysteries reduced to soubdibg like this! All because Bobaparte couldb’t see above the head of his horse, well let’s bot go there it just makes me upset abd upsettibg a Sphibx that doesb’t always lead to happy ebdibg.

AHEM. Better.

It doesn’t matter. No one comes to ask me questions or to how do you say it – or to dialogue. They just come to try and figure me out. Fools. If they would only ask I would give them the questions to the answers. It seems like centuries since anyone has asked me for a riddle. Hmm, now that I think about it, IT has been centuries. All because of that bad rumour that I would eat you if you couldn’t solve it. Yes those Greeks, always causing trouble.

No, the days of seeking knowledge and understanding; wandering the earth in search of new truths and adventure are behind us now. Everything has to be proven as factual - facts, facts, facts -  leaving no room for other possibilities or discoveries. How dreadfully boring. How sad.

Thousasds of years ago men and women would adventure to where I am to do, to think, to experience, to quest, to live. Now they come to ride on camels, abd take pictures of sabd. They used to seek truths, bow they thibk they kbow it all. Yes, you have forgotteb. You thibk all of your abswers lie ib the tips of your finbers. Tap tap tap ob those gadgets. AHEM. AHEM.

At least - that is what some have you believing. Oh, it is far greater and grander than that. The answers, the possibilities. Perhaps you are here today with me to begin that discovery?

Oh look, over there. Ha ha ha, that father of three, the executive over there ob a holiday just fell off the camel. Gosh, I hope he isb’t hurt. Hee, hee... AHEM. No he is not hurt. Good, although he doesn’t look happy. Mind you if I fell off one of those beasts I probably wouldn’t be either!

Look over there lovers. Ahh. Lovers. Nice.

Oh No! Oh no! Straight ahead... ugg. For the love of Horus, here comes that crazy Archaeologist again with that television crew! Wonder what he is going to poke at today? Hey mister, when they designed me they did not give me a tattoo, they took a risk and figured you were not going to forget! Clearly, they should have written it down. Ouch! He pricked me with a pick axe – again!

I tell you my friend what I really need is a facial, a foot rub, and a little olive oil massaged into my shell – oh that would really be good right about now – sigh – I don’t need more holes put it in me.

Never mind them. Let’s talk about you.

So, would you like a riddle? Oh please, let me give you a riddle. Your life really does depend upon it and.... I promise I won’t eat you!

And, to help you out, listen to The Bangles Walk Like An Egyptian as posted on YouTube - I like that one it has catchy little beat - and don’t forget to skip over to Bust A Blog and see what smart ideas she came up with this week!

I am the mother of most. My crown never wanes.
My reign over the world, except in the Deep South – I don’t like it quite that cold - begins with the sharpness of “gee” .
And, it may end in a group hug.
Everything about me and from me is Royal, although most of you have forgotten.
It is true I love being pampered, but why not after all I do for you, I deserve it because a third of you need me to live.

Who am I? What do you thInQ? Post your answer.

Pushing the boundaries of possibilities... think... create... imagine... express

The above story is purely fictional.

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