Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rose Coloured Glasses - Blog Off

Photo by Clarke

Awhile back I met a friend for a beer. He told me something I was not expecting.

You hold back. You come across as someone who puts yourself out there, but really you hold back. It hurts people you know. “

What? Are you kidding me? Hello, this is me you are talking about! I was in shock. Maybe I offered an apology I don’t really remember. The truth is I didn’t know what to say. This was not something I ever expected to hear about myself betterstill that I hurt anyone.

Later that evening or morning (I have no idea what time I got home) I crunched on what my friend had to say. To tell the truth I had (surprisingly) a bit of cry. And I vowed to address this issue in my usual tenacious way and face it head on.

Imagine my surprise when a week later it happened again. This time a different person in an entirely different situation but the message was the same.

Damn. The rose coloured glasses slipped off my nose again!

I really believed that I was someone who for the most part lived close to the edge 90% of the time apparently I lived in a cow pasture 100 miles away quietly sauntering around chewing on a sprig of wheat. Good gracious what happened?

Didn’t I always push here and there, try new things, get out there, meet the world, rise to challenges, take stands, take leaps of faith, and question ideology till people were ready to muzzle me? It all used to be part of my daily routine. Like breathing. I thought I was the great adventurer of life.

Alas with the glasses lying somewhere on the ground I had to admit that I had learned to go with the flow instead of pushing against the stream. I also learned patience and contentment. Could the shadow side of both of behaviours be complacency? Hmmm I am not so in love with that.

My two friends were right in their assessment. They were and are asking for a little more edge.

A week ago I stood on the edge, threw caution to the wind, put myself out there, and gave away a really big idea. Why? Because holding it back, waiting for the perfect opportunity that may or may not ever arise would be a crime. We will see what will happen but regardless it is time get out of the cow pasture.

The Universe, God, Serendipity, whatever label suits you best has a remarkable and unique way of voicing its opinion, ripping off those rose colour glasses, and moving the edge just a little closer to the tips of the toes.

What will you do this week that is totally unexpected?

While you are thinking about that why not tune into Blue Rodeo's Rose Coloured Glasses as posted on Youtube and be sure to roll down thInQ and check out Kai's counter to the photo I sent here in this month's Blog Off! Something about marbles! Welcome aboard Kai!

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