Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cause That's How We Roll - Blog Off

Of course the marble motif is bound to conjure up the theme of emotional stability and mental health. For example: “I still have all of my marbles!” or “Have you lost your marbles?” and so forth. Not long ago my cousin wrote to me that he had been given a pouch of marbles for his Birthday. Therefore, nestled nicely into his mid-fifties, he is assured that he still has all of his marbles (and extras as needed). Birthdays are, of course, the dawn of a new year in our lives and a signifier of a new stage of changes.

Marbles are spheres, and it is circles which represent the cycles in our lives. Although we may prefer to view life in a linear fashion: beginning, middle, and end, the lessons we learn are circular in nature. Humans are, essentially, creatures of habit and we create cycles within our lives in order to fully learn our lessons. A lesson will come back over and over, through different means (thoughts, emotions, places, and faces) until we learn it more solidly. Once the lesson has finally been learned, and the cycle broken, we can tuck the lesson away for safe-keeping. If we have truly learned the lesson, we are no longer caught up in the cycle, and it becomes more solid within us, much like a marble. Our “marbles” are, metaphorically, our lessons!

Changes in our lives are some of the best marble-shakers that we have. Some changes have the potential to reach down to the root of who we are and jostle the daylights out of the various systems that we have neatly put into place. So, although we can despise changes for their challenges, they are a tremendous tool because they encourage us to not be so rigid in our thinking. When stimulated enough to look outside of what we have previously known, we tend to gain more insight, and learn the greater lessons.

The only way to truly handle change with grace and humility is to accept it, to become one with it. If we can learn how to do this, our marbles (lessons) can be shaken and stirred, and remain intact. We do not need to question if they are still in place, we know they are. We know it because they have become our greatest resources and instead of second-guessing ourselves, we have begun to use them. When change shakes us to our root, the knowledge and wisdom we hold begins to surface. When that occurs, we start to feel calmer and more relaxed. We somehow accept that we are more capable than we ever have been of connecting with change and moving forward.

Life is always in motion and everything is constantly changing. If we choose to become one with the changes, nothing will ever catch us off guard; and the fear of “losing our marbles” (during the course of changes) diminishes greatly. We no longer need to fear that we even could lose our marbles if we are clear in the knowledge of what we have already gained. So the next time life hands us a whopping great change we can tally up our lessons and know that this change will only add more to what we have previously discovered, and then fear can rightfully become a gift.


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