Monday, February 7, 2011

The Bombshell Bible by Jacqueline Bradley- The Last Encounter

Beauty is forever.Image via Wikipedia the Bombshell and her cohorts would rather see everyone raised a level rather than swim in the sea of mediocrity. – Jacqueline Bradley

Arriving at the last five chapters of The Bombshell Bible I have become quite charmed by Ms Bradley’s no nonsense manner. It is here is where she dives into paying attention to the value of your relationships and the importance of surrounding yourself with friends and colleagues who uplift you rather than being around those who squish your natural desire to express the higher parts of yourself.

… if you have people questioning your lofty ambitions and planting small seeds of doubt… recognize those seeds before they take root! – Jacqueline Bradley

According to Bradley part of expressing your true self includes the use of your personal colour, taking time to study symbols of beauty and grace, and discovering your signature move.

Being a Bombshell isn’t about being 5'2 with eyes of blue…. it really is about being authentic and honest with no one else besides yourself. The Bombshell Bible promises that it is about making over your style and soul. It delivers if you choose to embrace the opportunity. 

Last week while sweating it out at the gym to a newly acquired Paul Plakas fitness program a woman came up to me – a total stranger - and said, “You know, you look fabulous. I’ve been watching you for a long time; you use the  Precor machine as well, and whatever you are doing keep it up you look fabulous.”

There I stood all greasy, dripping with sweat, really smelly and starring at a woman that just told me I looked fabulous. Stunned would be a good adjective for the moment. Truth is I have only lost five pounds, but it felt like I had just lost hundred.

It wasn’t my only adventure on the Bombshell treadmill last week, but that one moment opened up to the next and then the next.. really it did... and before I knew it a whole week of really cool experiences flew by.

My one and only criticism of this book is I wish there were pictures especially when she was talking about the exercises and things like how to tie a ribbon onto your sandals. I have seen Jacqueline on television and a few snaps would have really add to the value of the Bombshell experience.

Was The Bombshell Bible life changing? Yes. For me I regained my confidence in singing out loud, out of tune and I mean totally off key. The best part is I am not particularly worried if it bothers anyone because I am happiest and in my most creative state when I am singing out loud like the true Diva - I mean Bombshell - I am.

The Bombshell Bible was a fun read and opened up a path to new possibilities. My favourite? Chatting via email with Jacqueline. Happened by accident, but what a great encounter and a total surprise. Turns out - Jacqueline Bradley - is a former Winnipegger. Lived in River Heights.

I love my life.

Let me know what you thInQ and in the mean time check out the Bombshell Cher in Believe as posted on YouTube.

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