Saturday, February 26, 2011

Big Red and The Economy

Illustration depicting thought.Image via Wikipedia

The morning didn’t start out the way I imagined. I thought I would get up enjoy a coffee, head out to do errands like getting my nails tidied up, pick up bread from The Crusty Bun and end the day with doing much needed housework.

Instead I am tapping at the computer because upon waking I had the economy of all blessed things on my mind. Why? Because I am sick to death of the droning. Boring. Surely something good is going on out there!

Recently, one of my cohorts who is in the the know, mentioned to me that people are not spending money because they don’t think they have money to spend when in fact they do. Fair enough. I think it goes deeper than that.

After the last economic meltdown I started to focus on needs rather than wants. After several heart to hearts with Busty from Bust A Blog I went a little further; where do I want to make my investments? The answer: in experiences. Stuff comes and goes – but experiences stay with you.

Don’t get me wrong “stuff” is part of creating experiences. The “stuff” around you is also how you express yourself. But, if the right “stuff” isn’t there, I am not going to be buying it.

I go to the gym. The reason for bringing up the gym is that one of the dynamics about being there is everyone is waltzing around with ear phones stuck in their ears. No one talks to one another or if they do it is rarely. I am not sure if you are suppose to or not, talk that is... kind of thinking it may be bad gym etiquette to go up to someone and say hi my name is... when the dude is throwing around 300 lbs of weights.

Communication is 80% body language. Whether people realize it or not everyone is still in fact communicating. The whole experience has been fascinating because out of the hundreds of people who trip in and out of the gym there are about five to ten people who really stand out. They have something going on. They express themselves with a certain spark. Since I don’t know their names I have blessed each of them with a new one.

One person who I call Big Red really makes a statement. When I first re-joined the gym I was working out on the women's side rather than the co-ed area. Leaving one day I happen to glance over on the co-ed side and he caught my eye. I said to myself “who is that?” “I would like to get to know him, he looks like a really interesting person. I wonder what I could learn from him?”

Why? Because he has a style all his own. Clearly he has put some thought into it. Everything from what he wears to how he does his exercise routine is done with care, patience, a little bit of love, and confidence. He has an edge and that is what makes him noticeable.

I love to shop. I have the most amazing shopping angels. The outfit I wore yesterday jeans, sweater, and boots all in $45, it looked like I had spent a whole lot more. I have a certain way I express myself: uptown rocker chic and I love being part of that experience.

I haven’t been buying a whole lot of "stuff" lately. Why? Because what is out there on the market especially clothes seem ugly, poorly made, and lacking attention to detail. It looks like re-runs from the 1980’s and the material feels like it was dug it up from that time period as well.

Here is the point. Where is the love?

If you want me to spend my money. Show me the love. Show me that you care. Show me that you have thought about your product and this isn’t about power and money or money and power. Asking me to invest my money on your product or service because you exist is no longer doing it.

Maybe I am only the one with this perspective – maybe I am not – maybe no one else is saying.

My point is even though the economy is struggling, countries are re-defining who they are – this is a prime opportunity for real creative activity, for inspiration, new and exciting ideas to come forth and for artists, scientists, storytellers, manufacturers, designers and musicians to express themselves in new ways. It is a time to be thinking, and thinking big, acting and acting big.

On the right hand side of this blog is a list of businesses, organizations, and foundations. They are put there because I am familiar with the people, the product, the service, the thinking, and the passion. These places exist because someone was motivated to have a new experience, to create possibilities driven by love, passion, dedication, focus, and a whole lot of other things I don’t know about. In the process, they have also given others the opportunity to shift the way the world is seen. And, that is BIG.

I blessed the fellow at the gym with the name Big Red – because he is pretty darn hot and I like being around that vibe. 

Pretending that the economy is not struggling is unfair, dishonest, and dishonourable to those who are experiencing difficulties. The truth is I don’t ever remember things not being tough. However, if the economists and the powers that be – meaning you and me - want the economic tides to change, then the thinking has to get a whole lot hotter, lots sexier, and more exciting. People need inspiration, people like to raise their game. And, that is not boring.

Then again, it’s just my Opinion. What’s yours? ThInQ About It.

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