Thursday, April 29, 2010

Anam Cara

Anam (uh-nam) means soul and Cara (kar-uh) means friend. Anam Cara a gaelic expression which loosely translated it means “soul friend” or in modern romantic english terms it is often defined as “soul mate”.

Anam Cara has multiple meanings; however, at its core it is the understanding of a deeper and richer form of love and friendship - when the soul becomes completely open and trusting with another being. Thus, when two souls begin to radiate together a deeper bond is formed and you have created Anam Cara. This type of relationship it is believed awakens the fullness and mystery of life, revealing hidden intimacies. The Celtics believe at the point you experience Anam Cara you have arrived at the most sacred place: home.

To understand another meaning to Anam Cara is to enter into the relationship between the advisor and the student. The advisor who teaches and learns from the student and the student who learns and teaches the advisor; should we all be blessed to be open enough to give and receive in such powerful relationships.

The Catch: experiencing Anam Cara means, I believe, that you have to accept others for who they truly are, you have to allow others to accept you as you truly are and most importantly – you have accept yourself for who you truly are – “warts and all” as my mother would say.

Contemplation: "Your noble friend will not accept pretension but will gently and very firmly confront you with your own blindness. Such friendship is creative and critical; it is willing to negotiate awkward and uneven territories of contradiction and woundedness." John O’Donohue

No one is an island unto themselves and to believe that is ultimately ridiculous, isolating, dark, and terribly lonely. It is only when you step into the light and take your relationships to a whole new place that the real adventures begin –scary - yes, foreign – yes, and worth it – oh yes.

Who are the Anam Caras in your life?

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