Sunday, April 4, 2010

Top UP or Top DOWN - Blog Off

A friend of mine decided to lease a red convertible a year or so ago. She got a good deal on it, but maintained it was all about her ego. I disagreed with her.

Regardless, of our difference of opinion - the car is cool.

Last summer we decided to take a road trip. It was not exactly a nice day. It was cloudy, windy, and really cold. So, before leaving on our big adventure the question was: top up or top down?

The answer: top down. We wanted to be cool.

So, there we were cruising down the highway, top down, windows up, music blaring, hair whipping around like mini tornados with the heat on as hot as we could get it. We were not cool we were freezing.

Last week we were both recovering from post winter colds. After having some dinner we had the lap top out and were going through some of the pictures from our recent adventures. We came across the photos from that day, pulled out the tissues not to wipe running noses but to wipe away the tears because we were laughing so hard.

Not entirely sure where I got this from but if I recall it was from Success Magazine – and – I am paraphrasing but here it goes: the price you pay for something does not determine its value. Its worth is determined by the value you place upon it. Interesting.

That red convertible has brought my friend a great deal of joy – and what is the value of joy? Priceless. The car was not was about fulfilling her egoistical need, it was an outward expression of who she is. She loves to have fun and has this amazing gift of finding the humour in the most difficult situations. And, that makes life a lot easier and enjoyable.

Top up or top down? Top down because life is way too short not to be cool.

Be sure to visit Busty's response to my picture you'll like it.
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1 comment:

Busty (no pun intended...) said...

Awe...I think I know this friend Songbird...OK I'm SURE I know this friend. Lovely sentiments - very 'cool'!!