Saturday, April 17, 2010

I am Free To Be Me - Blog Off

I admit it: I take my freedom for granted.

The first time I stepped foot into the Manitoba Legislative Building I was on a school field trip. I was probably about nine years old. We stopped by Brian Ransom’s office where he shared with us – I am sure- the honour of being in public service.

What I remember the most about that trip?

The beauty and grandeur of the Legislative Building, the gold buffalo pin he gave us (which I still have in my jewellery box) and how incredibly large his bathroom was.

And, for some reason all week  while contemplating this picture I was thinking about cream corn. Well, actually a story about cream corn.

Two years ago I was cordially invited to an Alpha House Fundraising Dinner. Alpha House is housing for women and their families who have left abusive relationships. As the story goes a client of Alpha House arrived and was unpacking the groceries that were provided to her and her family. Amongst the tins and boxes of food was a can of cream corn. She loves cream corn. Her ex-husband disliked the stuff and forbade anyone else in the family to eat it. How ironic as this woman gains her freedom the sign post to her personal democracy was a can of cream corn. I never forgot that story.

What does democracy mean to me? Here as a Canadian and Manitoban I am free to make mistakes – a few times before I get it, I am free to explore what is around me, to make friends with whomever I want, to love, to vote – or not, to travel, to learn, to debate, to express myself, to be responsible or irresponsible, to practice and explore my faith – in whatever form that takes, to search out who I am and I am able to create whatever success I desire. The only person I have anything to prove is to myself.

Luckily for the woman in the Alpha House story Manitoba has created and developed services and programs so that families like hers can get help they need when they are ready. There are many places in the world that are not that fortunate and people are vulnerable - Haiti is a perfect example. Without a strong commitment from the world community and a focus on democracy Haiti will have many cream corn stories.

Good for a group of Canadians called Young Artists for Haiti who came together raise awareness and to raise funds to try to ensure that will not happen through their performance in Wavin’ Flag. They are a reminder that I am free to be me and wow shouldn’t everyone else have the same opportunity? You can decide for yourself.

Be sure to visit Busty's response to my picture Bust-a-blog  you'll like it.
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1 comment:

Busty (no pun intended...) said...

Amazing perspective Songbird!! Thank you for reminding me to celebrate my freedom - you're absolutely right!