Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Lead Up to the Photography Project - Twin Flame

Here are the lead-up photos to the final Capstone Project (MSU) that I spoke about in my previous video. I will share the final project in a few days. In the meantime here is a bit of a glimpse into the decision-making process and creative experiment. 

There was no staging for this project. I simply picked a location and took photos as the theme appeared.

 The theme of the project was the 'twin flame'. 

(I should note by choosing black and white photography, I tapped into the "twin" symbolism of balancing white (reflects light) and black (absorbs light). )

All photos are copyrighted to Lisa I. McCausland @thInQlots

Park Bench

While tramping around a local park, I was looking for a heart with initials carved into a tree. What I found instead was a heart, with initials and an infinity sign drawn with a marker on a metal bench. By using this perspective, I wanted to capture what these two potential lovers were looking at when they put their initials on the bench.

The challenge of working with the bench is it is highly sensitive to light and is covered in textured paint. Evening though it was a very cloudy day, with the editing I was able to enhance a rather misty dream-like state; albeit I am concerned about the light being overexposed.


On the same day at the park, believe it or not, I was also followed around by a pair of ducks. These two tramped alongside me for quite a distance and even photobombed one of the pictures of the bench. Which was hilarious. Eventually, we made it back to the pond and they went for a swim. The challenge with this photo is because the water table is so low, the algae are out of control; thus, the photo is quite dense with additional texture, creating a great deal of noise.

The Photo Bombers

Ant and Peony

Taken in a friend’s garden at around 9:45 pm the ant and peony, albeit an unlikely pair to be featured as a twin – where there are peonies there are ants. And in the discussion about twin flames, the pairing of a twin is unpredictable and is not identical in DNA or looks etc. This particular photo was taken as a black and white. Undecided if it fits into the theme. 


Duck and Gosling

The relationship between the parent (elder) in teaching the child how to survive and the role of the child (junior) learning from the parent on how to survive.

Sacred Cross

The cross is a consistent symbolic feature of the sacred twin soul. It is the meeting place within the heart; as above, so below, as within so without. The place of balance and of light and two crosses in one. 

Grandma Knows Best

Increasingly grandparents are becoming more significant in the raising or teaching of children. Theirs is a relationship that is unique to grandparents and their grandchildren; grandmothers with their granddaughters, grandfathers and their grandsons.

The Angels

Angels, divine guiders for both good and bad decisions are a paradox unto themselves. Here at the Trappist Monk’s ruins, I was shocked when I exited my car and the first thing, I discovered was a pair of angels.

The Nuns

A sculpture of two Sacred Heart Nuns focused on their mission as what could be the “river of life” flows between them. The photo zeros in on the concept that the sacred twin relationship is how you relate (work together).

Sun Flowers

Two sunflowers, basking in the summer day. The twin of the flower is actually the sun. The head of the flower follows the sun each day and at night returns to an easterly direction to greet it in the morning.

The Musician

The man holding the lyre in this photo symbolizes the craft; within the twin flame phenomenon self-development and empowerment of self must occur before the souls unite. In this intimate photo of Leo Mol’s statue at Assiniboine Park, there is the delicate balance of light, greys, and soft shadows without losing the details in the artwork. On the left brow, there is a touch of bright light which allows the viewer to wonder is he outside or playing in front of a bright window; moreover, is he alone or playing for others.

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