Friday, August 28, 2020

Contemplation, Echoes, and Reflections - Capstone Project MSU

It is my perspective that our world reflects back to us, whether we like it or not, who we are by giving signs and symbols as we go about our daily lives. We may or may not recognize these echoes depending upon determined how engaged one is as the observer. Contemplation, Echoes, and Reflections are about capturing the signs and symbols of the “twin flame” experience through the realms of portraiture, conceptual, and the artistic featuring the vernacular in black and white photography.

A twin flame is a delicate balance between male and female energies expressing through relationships and experiences between ourselves and our Creator. Every living cell in our natural world consists of this symbolic dance between the Divine, male, and female energies. In some cases, there is an expansion of this relationship and it is known as the sacred twin soul. In its simplest form, it means one soul two bodies.

By choosing black and white photography, I have tapped into the "twin" symbolism of balancing white (reflects light) and black (absorbs light). Each photo represents the symbolic discovery of the "twinning" story through relationships, and signs.

There was no staging of the subjects in this series.  The photography showcases a variety of subjects including landscape, animals, plants, and people.  These are the final ten in the capstone project. Below includes vignettes of the photos should you wish for deeper insight into the capstone selection process. 

All photos are copyright of Lisa I. McCausland @thInQlots 

Echo – Leo Mol Sculpture – Assiniboine Park. July 8, 2020, 5:26 pm. 833x1000 pixels. 1/60 sec f5 35mm ISO800. Canon EOS Rebel T7.

Starting off the capstone series and appearing somewhat disheveled a photograph features Echo, the Oreiad-nymph of Mount Kithairon. In this depiction, I wonder what she is reacting to as something has caught her attention. Has she just sent out a cry or she is about to respond to the long-awaited call of the fait accompli Narcissus? A familiar theme within the twin phenomena, the trigger, the false twin, the runner, and the chaser. 

The Lions Above the Gateway - Boniface Cathedral. July 2, 2020, 9:19 am. 1400 x 1000 pixels. 1/100 sec, f5 29mm ISO100. Canon EOS Rebel T7.


Folk stories are woven within our cultural, spiritual, and religious norms. The mystery of the sacred twin souls may have its origins with those known as the lion people or those from old Lyra. The symbology of this legend can be seen in the finely crafted stone architecture of the Cathedral’s ruins. Of particular interest are the two lions, supported by the 3 keystone archways, along with the triangles, diamonds, and the lamplight.

The Arrow’s Crossing – Wild Flowers. July 11, 2020. 9:05 am. 1500x1000 pixels. 1/100 sec. f5.6 35mm ISO100. Canon EOS Rebel T7.


The cross is the meeting place within the heart; as above, so below, as within so without. A place of balance and of light. The arrangement of the wildflowers showcased in this photo reflects the shape of a cross and as well an arrow, another commonly used symbolic feature in the twin experience. The arrow points towards the traveler home to the other side the twin flame’s self. 

A Girl and Her Dog. July 4, 2020. 11:05 am. 666X1000 pixels. 1/250 sec f4.5 32 mm ISO10. Canon EOS Rebel T7.


The relationships between people and their pets are as precious and as heart-centered as the relationship between people; guiding and nurturing each other for a period of time in one’s earthly journey. Often throughout history Saints and Sages, Kings and Queens is often depicted in artwork with their sacred pets. 

Shiva and Gifts – Trappist Monk Ruins. June 24, 2020. 5:24 pm. 965x1000 pixels. 1/100 sec f5.6 33mm ISO 100. Canon EOS Rebel T7.


In the Hindu religion, Shiva is known as a twin of Shakti. Shiva is the unmanifested and Shakti is made apparent; the unity of the unchanging and the changeable; creators in divine motion. Here, Shiva is featured beneath a peace pole with a gift of two oranges and two candles to shine upon the meditation. 

Bridging the Towers – The Forks. July 2, 2020. 8:55 am. 1314x1000 pixels. 1/200 sec f7.1 28mm ISO100. Canon EOS Rebel T7.


When twins unite through their hearts and mind, they are masters of creation, the greeters of change, and the stabilizers of love’s vibration. Symbolizing and mirroring 11:11 the past and the future, the light, and the dark, male and female energies are bridged together in this photo is the Esplanade Bridge commemorating Louis Riel (a black mark in Manitoban and Canada’s history) and in the background is the Canadian Museum of Human Rights with its Tower of Hope reaching towards the future.  

Blue Bells Chime - July 11, 2020. 9:01 am. 621x1000 pixels.1/80 sec f4.5 35 mm. ISO250. Canon EOS Rebel T7.


Delicate bells, dance a silent dance on a summer’s morning. Bells call us to a place to center. The relationships between the twins is a finely tuned quantum field mechanism. At times electric, intense, sturdy, at other times fragile, easy, and gentle. The twin’s relationship is a never-ending ballet of self-discovery; each providing a glimpse into the other’s experience.

Babies Amongst the Muck – St. Vital Park. June 16, 2020. 5;19 pm. 1562x1000 pixels. 1/1600 sec f5 210mm ISO1600. Canon EOS Rebel T7.


The sacred twin relationship is a partnership, working together. It is not always easy employment. The sacred twins will experience intense drama throughout their lives keeping them away from their destiny call. They are highly instinctual and their call no matter is to create and survive. Here a darker side of the story is presented with two goslings eagerly feeding for their survival within the muck and the garbage. 

Hanging on a Wire. July 11, 2020. 8:56 am. 665x1000 pixels. 1/80 sec f5 35mm ISO320. Canon EOS Rebel T7.

The 11:11 symbology representing balance and the whole halves, the soul communication between the divine trinity of heaven and earth appears again randomly on a clothing line at a friend’s cottage. 

Can you hear the Echo’s Call? – St. Vital Park. July 17, 2020. 10:04 am.1500x1000 pixels. 1/60sec f5.6 50mm ISO100. Canon EOS Rebel T7.

Are you listening for the echo? How often did they call? Did you move towards the ripping sound that only your heart would know? Or, did you allow the chaos waves carry you far away? The photo is symbolic of the vital balance required within the twin relationship the observer and the observed, the place of stillness, where only the heart will hear the echo of the call to return home to self.


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