Monday, June 1, 2020

These Days

These days Great Spirit, God, Goddess, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine. These days. 

Truthfully, these days I am uncertain how you wish to be addressed. Perhaps I will just call you friend. 

These days, friend, I imagine you are fill with desired petitions, pleas for help, screams into pillows in the dead of night begging for guidance to understand, those seeking tell me now kind of wisdom, and the deep rising anger born from hatred not yet fully understood or even remembered. 

I can guess these days friend patience is a must, even though many have lost theirs or are on the brink of not being able to hold it together much longer. 

These days you must feel every deep concern friend, the physical, mental and emotional pain, and that deeply buried fear. The deep sting of grief these days is known and felt by many, especially you, old friend. 

These days may I ask you to continue to grace us with your loving presence. Lift up those who are tired and confused. Remind them of the beauty that surrounds them, even though right now they may not see. 

Gently, if they will let you, open their eyes, ears, and mind, so their heart will know truth and in that truth let them find peace. 

For many have not yet realized what the battle is all about. These days I don’t blame them, trines are a confusing thing. 

Now I ask you friend to call upon the healing angels that walk amongst us. Those that you have sent. Let their hearts call those in deep pain home; and there in the home of their heart may they greet you. 

These days friend as we draw near to the end, be our continuing guiding light. These days. 

Words and picture by thInQ

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