Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Knight of Hope

Custard’s last stand, if you will, requires the truth of who I am and We are; rather than the 3D displays of the petty unintelligent.

If you wish, there you may stay dragging your feet and toiling in your own avoidance, laziness, lack of faith and fears, allowing the breath of cruelty to continue to chain the unimaginative power and beauty of your own heart’s potential. Giving yourself away, drop by drop until the river of life runs dry. 

For as long as the Knight shall remain upon his knees revering in his own victimhood, cowardliness, and bathing in his own ego’s needs of days gone by - there he will stay; no matter the game. It is an easy place to be and there are many muses to fill these needs. 

For the truth of who he really is already stands strong and in complete sturdy might along side Hope. 

Together, they, in full fire regalia along side their brothers and sisters, whom they each know intimately by name, are the bringers of the new dawn. 

It is Hope’s Knight with a pure heart who wears God’s true mantle, mission, and contract of what is present and is yet to be born, and Knight’s Hope who wields the creative magic of their sword. 


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