Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day Blessing

Photo by thInQ March 2020

Today we celebrate the women in our lives. The mothers, grandmothers, and aunts who pierce our hearts with their unconditional love. They are our own personal teachers, mentors, friends, and at times our nemesis. Regardless of their role, they are the way-showers to our own connection with the Divine. Bless these women, with rising strength and courage for they are living magic; and we are guilty of forgetting that they too are human. During these days of confusion and mayhem may they sparkle brightly. And, may they swiftly remind each of us of our sovereign commitment and responsibilities for truth, peace, and love. In this hour, say thank-you to all women who share unconditionally of themselves and for which we have eagerly received.


written by thInQ May 10, 2020

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