Sunday, March 17, 2019

Note to Self: The Rest is History

Dear Self,

Why did I not "think" of the puny title before I recorded the video?

Me laughing at me.


Song in My Head: Diamond Sun by Glass Tiger feat. Susan Aglukark and David R. Maracle

Originally called African Sun the Song in My Head was written about Apartheid in South Africa. Alan Frew, of Glass Tiger, changed the name of this Canadian anthem to Diamond Sun so it was more universally appealing. Released in 1988 the music video was filmed in Drumheller, Alberta. In 2018, a new version of Diamond Sun was re-released on Glass Tiger's new album 31 featuring Susan Aglukark and David R. Maracle. What makes this new recording special is that is sung in Inuktitut.


thInQ: Resting the Art of

Sometimes you have to turn off your mind in order to hear your soul whisper to you. – Arctururus
In 2016 I decided to take up Tai Chi as part of my on-going recovery process. My medical team agreed as it would be a great way to stretch out my muscles and tendons and to improve my balance. I loved it. My body did not. A few weeks into the process I had successfully pinched a tendon in my foot and once again could barely walk.

Eventually it got so bad I had to return to my specialist, who was less than impressed and emphatically stated in no uncertain terms I had to rest. Needless to say, deep within I was completely discouraged and outwardly I threatened to burn my sofa. I just wanted my body to stop reacting and to begin healing. Most importantly I wanted to move.

The truth was I didn’t even know what the word "rest" meant. Besides I thought I was resting.

A few months later I was at a public lecture and our guests had moved from the reception area into the auditorium. I was lagging behind, just to make sure we had everything gathered up and to pause before the next event.  An acquaintance who suffers from an aggressive form of arthritis came over for a “talk”. In her quiet manner she softly said to me,” Lisa with these autoimmune conditions you have to rest.”

After some pouting, which by the way I am quite good at, I got curious and took a look at what resting really meant. 

Resting, I discovered is not about mindlessly watching television, scrolling through your social media news feeds, meditating, listening to music, painting, napping, travelling, drinking, or even going for a walk. Resting is in fact shutting off.

Many of our modern-day guru’s like Eckhart Tolle speak about it and our post modern-day saints discussed it as well, we are, however, not so good at listening. Why you may ask? Because “resting” doesn’t fit into the category of being “productive” and I have since learned being “productive” does not fit into the category of being “creative” nor does it fit into "generating money", so we believe. And, thus a cycle begins until something happens where you are forced into this place called "rest".

Let me break it down. Resting is not listening, seeing, thinking, feeling, smelling, singing, or breathing. It is nothing, it is literally doing nothing. It is just stopping for a few seconds and building from there. Try it for 10 seconds. Do nothing. I guarantee you your phone will start pinging and the kids will start fighting.

Think about this another way. We shut off our computers, phones, gaming equipment, and cars for them to reboot, to rest, re-calibrate, upgrade, the works. But we don’t take one minute throughout the day to do the same.

It took me quite awhile and last summer I was able to get into a state of simple stillness. Some of the people in my life panicked thinking I was in a state of depression. I was not I was simply still. And, I kind of liked it. 

In my last series of posts, I shared with your White Crystal Wind by Steven Libby. The purpose in sharing Steven's work was for you to take the opportunity to unwind and rest. We are creators and an intricate part of the creation process is to turn everything off to rest so you can begin to hear the whispers of your own soul. 

- thInQ

Sunday, March 3, 2019

A Personal Hello and Welcome

thInQ: Welcome Back

When you love another, you recognize the potential that lies within them. 
– S.Roman/D. Parker

Over the past few months I have been slowly and carefully, a more accurate adjective perhaps, resurrecting thInQ. Truthfully, it is still under construction so please bare with me as I, with some trepidation it seems, begin to unfold the first of three new phases; once again continuing on with my journey. 

It was literally five years ago when I made my last post. What made me stop? There are several reasons, the main one being I was not clear where I was going and the more I asked myself this question another one kept rising up: why did I start in the first place? 

The answer lies precisely in the above quote: When you love another, you recognize the potential that lies within them. That was the reason I started; and if I were to be truly honest with myself it is the essence – the core - of who I really am, always have been. 

Those who know me best, understand how I love skating around the edges of life snooping, asking questions, and never being quite satisfied with the status quo. I rock the boat; often. At times I imagine most consider that to be weird, difficult, never satisfied, fussy, tough, etc. However, you won't learn about the many types of grasses that exist in our world if you only stay within the fence of your own backyard.

So, thInQ was started in order to push myself and to enthusiastically ignite within others their own potential, rising and weaving beyond what they themselves imagine possible and most significantly not to settle. When we settle there is something within us that dies; or rather is pushed aside until the card we did not deal implodes.

We are stubborn creatures and truthfully, we easily fall asleep. Upon being awoken we are often how shall I say this politely: grumpy. We are satisfied with letting our outside world take care of us: governments, technology, the food industry, television, social media, drug companies, our jobs and taxes to name but a few; and if we allow it, all dulling our minds and curiosity. It often takes a calamity, the entrance into the dark night for our own potential to reawaken, shaking us from our stupor; lending light onto pathways within us yet undiscovered. And, that light, is our own creative genius.

When you love another, you recognize the potential that lies within them and thus thInQ begins again, a resource, landing pad, glimpse, trigger, story, memory, a place to tap into, exercising your own creativity potential, your own possibilities, re-entering into your own imagination and expression; and for me to eagerly walk along side you.

Welcome back to thInQ. 

Enjoy Caladh Nua – Elenor Kane's / John McEvoys / Be off With You / Free and Easy

as posted on youtube: 

Song In My Head: White Crystal Wind by Steven Libby

The song in my head today is called White Crystal Wind by Steven Libby. This is a meditation for the heart and crown chakras. Steven is a spiritual coach, musician, and reiki healer; I affectionately refer to him as my soul-bro. His coordinates and services are found here: Starborn Messenger

Sit back, relax, and enjoy.