Sunday, March 3, 2019

thInQ: Welcome Back

When you love another, you recognize the potential that lies within them. 
– S.Roman/D. Parker

Over the past few months I have been slowly and carefully, a more accurate adjective perhaps, resurrecting thInQ. Truthfully, it is still under construction so please bare with me as I, with some trepidation it seems, begin to unfold the first of three new phases; once again continuing on with my journey. 

It was literally five years ago when I made my last post. What made me stop? There are several reasons, the main one being I was not clear where I was going and the more I asked myself this question another one kept rising up: why did I start in the first place? 

The answer lies precisely in the above quote: When you love another, you recognize the potential that lies within them. That was the reason I started; and if I were to be truly honest with myself it is the essence – the core - of who I really am, always have been. 

Those who know me best, understand how I love skating around the edges of life snooping, asking questions, and never being quite satisfied with the status quo. I rock the boat; often. At times I imagine most consider that to be weird, difficult, never satisfied, fussy, tough, etc. However, you won't learn about the many types of grasses that exist in our world if you only stay within the fence of your own backyard.

So, thInQ was started in order to push myself and to enthusiastically ignite within others their own potential, rising and weaving beyond what they themselves imagine possible and most significantly not to settle. When we settle there is something within us that dies; or rather is pushed aside until the card we did not deal implodes.

We are stubborn creatures and truthfully, we easily fall asleep. Upon being awoken we are often how shall I say this politely: grumpy. We are satisfied with letting our outside world take care of us: governments, technology, the food industry, television, social media, drug companies, our jobs and taxes to name but a few; and if we allow it, all dulling our minds and curiosity. It often takes a calamity, the entrance into the dark night for our own potential to reawaken, shaking us from our stupor; lending light onto pathways within us yet undiscovered. And, that light, is our own creative genius.

When you love another, you recognize the potential that lies within them and thus thInQ begins again, a resource, landing pad, glimpse, trigger, story, memory, a place to tap into, exercising your own creativity potential, your own possibilities, re-entering into your own imagination and expression; and for me to eagerly walk along side you.

Welcome back to thInQ. 

Enjoy Caladh Nua – Elenor Kane's / John McEvoys / Be off With You / Free and Easy

as posted on youtube: 

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