Sunday, November 11, 2012

Song In My Head... Take Two Minutes Would You Mind

In Flanders Fields
In Flanders Fields (Photo credit: Thorsten Hansen)
Had the priviledge of meeting and working with Terry Kelly several years ago at the concert Let Peace Reign and Music Thunder (Arthur V. Mauro Centre for Peace and Justice at St. Paul's College).
This song was written by Kelly after an experience on Rememberance Day when an young father was out shopping with his daughter and he wouldn't stop for two minutes of silence to honour those who fought and continue to fight for freedom.
It's a simple thing being able to post on this blog and express some of my rambling thoughts and ideas. Some in this world don't have that opportunity; especially women. I do because of people like William Goodwill.

Today, I remember and reflect; and realize every day is a choice. Here is Canada's Terry Kelly singing A Pittance of Time as posted on YouTube.

Of course, I end with ThInQ About It!

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