Sunday, September 9, 2012

This Moment

Creek 2011 by Lisa I. McCausland
Took sometime today to do this thing called "stop" and "just be."

It was kind of self imposed.

My back has been giving me grief and I needed to rest - properly. This also meant no tv or radio - although I did manage slip on-line a few times. Just a few - hundred times - but who's counting. (Blame the Blackberry - darn fruit!)

Stopping is not necessarily my friend. Although I try with great tolerance to chill I happen to enjoy creating and being creative.

True to form eventually I found myself getting fidgety. What to do what to do what to do?!??!!!!!!!!!!!

During one of my pacing moments I saw sitting on the kitchen table a book. I had pulled it out of my library a week or so ago when I was doing some research for a project. It was giving to me by a friend and mentor in 1995.

Time for a re-read. Opening up the windows to let the air flow through the house and me, my blanket, the book, and heating pad snuggled down on the sofa.

Near the end of the last chapter I read something and thought is was too beautiful not to share. 

ThInQ About It....

We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet to love, to share. This is a precious moment, but it is transient. It is a little parenthesis in eternity. If we share with caring, lightheartedness, and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. And then this moment will have been worthwhile.  - Deepka Chopra The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

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