Saturday, February 25, 2012

Logging In To Facebook

facebookfacebook (Photo credit: sitmonkeysupreme)

It has been just over a year since I logged into Facebook.

Originally I was reluctant. Mainly because of the hype, and legitimately so, about security or lack there of.

Well, in spite of being a shy person, I happen to also love people. I am also very curious, l love to learn, to create to new experiences, challenge a trend, and throw myself at pop culture - eagerly jumping on the bandwagon of adventure.

The more I listened to others talk about the social media movement the more inquisitive I became.

A lot has changed since joining Facebook.

It seems to me that everyone’s motivation for “logging in” is different. Each user has their own participation and tolerance level.

For me I am lucky. I have great friends and family. They are, each in their own way, superstars of their own galaxies. Even though opinions, political beliefs, age, religion, and life experiences may be vastly different there are many things that are similar. And, that is what makes the whole experience enjoyable and exciting.

Everyday talented people share with one another not only their thoughts and values but their compassion and desire to continually be evolving into someone better than they already are.

At times there are indeed questions, struggles, and pain and also great celebrations. Either way within nanoseconds of these posts threads appear with greetings of cyber hugs, high fives, and moreover love.

Facebook has made me aware of my own thoughts, opinions, attitudes, and how I express myself.... what I share and what I don’t.  

From time to time others have tried to put their stamp of approval or doubt on my activities. Surprising yes, disappointing one could say that. Do I care? I consider the feedback and remind myself that I am who I am in all my glorious strengths and all my incredible weakness - like it or lump it. The truth is I can’t control how you feel about anything and nor do I want to because I can only control myself.

The freedom to express oneself is a privilege that many in this world don’t have. It is easy to forget that because it is not part of everyone’s reality.

While it saddens me to learn about people choose to use social media opportunities as a format for their own deviate, unchecked emotional and behavioral crisis and even more so the increasing lack of trust that exists between employers and employees. (We all know the stories of bullying, cyber-stocking, defamation of character, and fraud.) The good news we are now talking about it because of social media as the bad news is these things already take place everyday around the world with or without social media.

That is the one blessing about being online – the control for the time being - lies somewhat in the hands of the user. And from my experience – if given the opportunity to show it people are pretty darn smart. We also can be pretty darn stupid. It is that balance which is the best news of all.

Either way we at the beginning and the end of the day we are just people. Cyber space shows us our own humanity. We – you and me - chose how we will evolve.

Like I said, a lot has changed since joining Facebook.

But, then again, it's just my Opinion.

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