Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Getting Through the Poltergeist of Change

A while back I tossed around the idea about going in a new direction with my fitness routine.

Last week I started with a new trainer to fulfill that experience.   

As expected there was an adjustment with not just my exercise routine but also with my diet. And, my trainer's caveat: trust me.

As everyone knows with any new system the first few days are always the most challenging.

This is how the first week has gone:

Day 1
Food: How much do I have to eat? How much water am I supposed to drink? Repeat that please.
New Exercise Routine: Elliptical sprints - either I am dead or I am having an out of body experience.
Overall Impression: This scale is broken; there is no way I weigh that much!

Day 2
Food: Okay I am now attempting to drink another litre of water. Only 250 more calories to go… I can do it… no – no I can’t.
New Exercise Routine: One hour on treadmill… 50 minutes into routine… oops forgot to keep my pulse between 115 – 120.
Overall Impression: I am doomed.

Day 3
Food: Disaster on the food preparation front. Need to spend even more time in the kitchen. Oh Lord that will mean dishes and more dates with Mr. Clean. The guy smells good but he is so boring.
New Exercise Routine: Second session with trainer - find something kind to say in between hyperventilating breaths “nice shoes” (of course it would be about the shoes! – people really!)
Overall Impression: Sylvester Stallone is so over rated.

Day 4
Food: Food prepared. After all that ended up going out for lunch with Pops. Crisis awaits nothing on the menu is in my food plan. So, I make it up. Thank God for a good imagination and creative spirit.
New Exercise Routine: Day off - and - it isn't even Sunday!
Overall impression: Can now get my rings back on my finger - been 8 years since I last wore them. Didn’t see that coming - quite pleased.

Day 5
Food: Still have not completed the total calorie count but I am determined.
New Exercise Routine: Elliptical sprints – using way too much arm – conclusion I have lazy butt syndrome. Is that a syndrome or did I just make that up? I love my imagination. Starting new trends everywhere!
Overall Impression: I am starting to see feathers; need to eat some other kind of meat other than chicken otherwise I will start clucking anytime soon.

Day 6
Food: Seem to be having surprisingly strong emotional reactions to eating more calories than what I believe I should be. Had oatmeal for dessert. Pretended it was a cookie. My imagination is not that good.
New Exercise Routine: I fought the skipping rope and the rope won. If I had a blow torch I would nuke this stupid piece of nylon right now.
Overall Impression: Meditation and peace building is important in the overall progression of humankind.

Day 7
Food: I decide I am not going to eat any more food or drink anymore water – ever.
New Exercise Routine: Wearing Italian skull cap while doing sprints. Thinking about getting very large American style tattoo along with buying a girl truck with tires that spit fire.
Overall Impression: Perhaps my blood sugar is low. I should eat and drink some water. Refer to Day 6.

Day 8
Food: Unexpected symptoms of poltergeist phenomena taking place.
Gym: Sweating while blowing hair dry. Concludes exercising for the day.
Overall Impression: Stay grounded. Call a friend.

No one said this little adventure of improved health was going to be easy; but it has been and will continue to be worth it.

Having a sense of humour is helpful.

Lucky to have hooked up with the trainer I did because at the end of the first week being able to wear my rings – one that my sister gave me - is super important.

Now what are you doing about challenging yourself? thInQ About It.

While thinking about that, how about listening to Gym Class Heroes as posted on Youtube.

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