Friday, December 30, 2011

Plan? Plan? I Have to Have A Plan?

Sailor cheers a middle school student to finis...Image by Official U.S. Navy Imagery via Flickr
"What’s your plan?"

This question was posed to me by three different people over a one week period while trudging around the gym doing that thing it is that I do.

Hmm, I thought my plan was to get my health back, wear a size 12 pair of jeans, and do it without hurting myself or anyone else.

The anyone else is important.

While burning up the Precor machine a while ago I hit the cord on my earphones that somehow managed to flip my Blackberry up in the air and like a bullet it took off across the gym nearly taking out three other people!

Plan, eh? I have to have a plan?

Finding their question rather delightful I guess I never really thought that I had to have a plan - although I did have goals.

Since my entire career is based around goals and plans, plans and goals is does seem rather odd that I would not have a plan around my fitness goals.

However, I am also a bit of a creative - well maybe not a bit and there are times where I totally enjoy being a free spirit.

The gym a place were I just kind of let my spirit loose and decide what I am doing based on oh let's say my mood or what kind of music I want to listen to... ooohhh perhaps they caught on to that and I have been official busted. Damn.

In my own defense I had been following my previous trainer's fitness plan and in January of 2010 I had gotten a workout routine from Paul Plakas.

One of the things that Paul Plakas is known for is setting fitness goals.  

My first fitness goal was to wear high heels for one day without falling and breaking my neck.  For some reason he didn’t respond to that one! (Apparently he doesn’t wear heels and he probably didn’t understand the challenges associated with being able to wear them for a WHOLE day!)

The second fitness goal I threw out was to climb Garbage Hill without expiring. Still no response.

My third idea was to bike 24 kms. Still no response.

The fourth was to climb the Turtle’s Back with ease.  That got him excited. Me? Not so much and anyone who has trudge up that crazy hill knows exactly what I am talking about.

This past summer I completed all four. I even exceeded the biking goal, throwing my neck out for a week – but who cared I did it. My niece and nephew along with a couple of their buddies trudged up the Turtle’s Back with me and I appreciated that.  

All that being said this meant setting a new goal.

I decided that perhaps trying a half marathon would be a good challenge to work towards provided that my knee would hold out and began to arrange my workout to reflect that idea.  

Then my pals at the gym asked me about “my plan” and it got me to thinking.  

Is running a half marathon the right fitness goal for me? Ah, probably not. Maybe there is something else I could take a look at that would be more suitable to my personality.  

And, after thinking about it I have an idea. In the New Year I am going to send out some feelers to see if anyone else may be interested. However, it will require a partner, someone who knows what they are doing, and this time maybe someone a little closer to home.

One of the magical gifts that come with friends and good acquaintances is that they have an amazing ability to keep you on track and in check.

And, as the New Year approaches and as tradition dictates it is time to ask you: What is your plan?

ThInQ About It!

And to get you in the mood here is Eye of the Tiger as posted on Youtube.

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