Thursday, December 29, 2011

Inspiration? Wasn't Expecting That!

A couple of weeks ago one of the people at the gym that I have gotten to know came up to me and said, “You inspire me.”

Wasn't expecting that.

Lifting weightImage via Wikipedia

While we were having a bit of a visit I kept thinking... how on earth could I be an inspiration to this woman? She is drop dead gorgeous. I am honoured and the same time befuddled.

The truth is she, along with a handful of others, are the ones that keep me going. (aside from the inner fear that one day Paul Plakas will make a surprise appearance and I will be made to run through some ridiculous obstacle course in front of everyone)

Last fall when I resumed my membership at the gym I knew it was going to be a big commitment. It was much harder than expected.

There are two parts of the gym one for women and the other coed. While getting my feet underneath me I hung out on the woman’s side. Everyday taking the electronic fitness test on the Precor machine and everyday failing.

One of my friends was taking Zumba and being the silly willy I can be I used to hide behind the machines making faces at her and shaking my bootie while she was dancing. All fun and games until the gal in front of her thought I was putting the moves on her and was winking back.

Time to move to the coed side.

And like my usually self I went over there with the intent of making new friends.  

(There was one individual in particular that I planned to meet. Big Red. Of course as luck would have it my tongue got wrapped around my tonsils, my inner 12 year old came out and to this day I have never been able to speak. If my ogling hasn’t gotten on his nerves I can guarantee you it has definitely gotten on mine. Although I am certain if I looked behind me there is a long line of people wanting to shake the hand of the one who actually rendered me silent! )

Aside from messing it up with Big Red I made a series of additional errors by saying hello to a couple of people. It was kind of an odd feeling when I was met with the laser hairy eyeball stare, as in “what in the hell are you doing?” I didn’t understand it. The third situation one little pup told me to get the “heck out of the road” when he wanted the bench I was using. I still have not found my forgiveness button and every time I see him I secretly want to trip him – although that wouldn’t be very nice. 

Right then and there I decided that if I was going to do this it was going to be done my way - with or without the Lulu Lemon headband.

Needless to say, and this took me a bit of time to understand, I hadn’t just entered a gym where I was going to work out and meet friends. I had entered into a community and it was going to take a bit of time before in-roads were going to be made and the friend thing was going to have to wait.

While waiting I was reminded that communication 80% body language and even though I was in a place  filled with people who have nearly perfect bodies (because they work at it) there were just a few who really popped out of the crowd. And, that has to do with their inner mojo  - they have a special bounce in their step and a sauce in their swagger. Interestingly enough they also seem to me to be the ones who are the most disciplined with their workout routines.

These are the folks who inspire me and fortunately I have gotten to know most of them.... except for Big Red and Curly.

My quick visits with Candace and on occasion with her man Alex are always the opening act.  I have been amazed by Courteney’s transformation. Jeannette who digs deep into her work outs and Mike who is always checking to make sure that life treating me well. If it wasn’t for the gym I probably would never see Roj.

There have been invitations to join classes and messages of encouragement.

My pal Jen is a spark in the dark and she has the most amazing laugh never mind killer abs. She reminds us via Twitter and through her Facebook posts that she isn’t always up.

And  - that is other great part of this community. Somehow we keep each other going with high fives and you go because without it would be too easy to go home and curl up on the sofa to watch the rerun of Bridgette Jones Diaries while munching on a box of bonbons.

Inspiring people are around you every single day. They are the ones who stir the tiny sparks of desire within so that you find yourself saying: I can do that! I can do that!

It is not the same as being competitive. It is really the beginning of a great adventure should you decide to take it. Where are you inspired to go?

ThInQ About It!

And while doing that how about a little Miley Cyrus as posted on Youtube.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another lovely gym post! I'm thinking you should start a series of these.