Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Inside Job of Peace

UN Security Council Chamber in New York.Image via WikipediaToday I read somewhere "Peace an inside job."

September 21st is the UN's World Day of Peace.

The path to peace, for most, is not an easy nor a calm journey. Life can be indeed painful, unfortunately horrific, and when you have a planet filled with billions of people building peace is as complex as each person in it.

Often, when I hear people say they are taking up meditation for the first time so they can relax I silently chuckle and wish them well. Because in the beginning of that process all those little "buggers" you have stored in your personal closet of crap will indeed start falling out!

Fear not, this is a good thing - just not in the beginning is it a peaceful one.

Disharmony has its purpose. We just have to have a kinder attitude towards it. 

Upheaval and pain shows us what we don't like. Thus, giving us the opportunity to invest time, energy, resources, and most importantly action into what we do like.

As humans we have a tendency to keep ourselves stuck in what we don't like.

So the question is I wonder how much better life would become if we spent more of ourselves focusing on what we do like rather than what we don't? (paraphrased from E. Hicks)

While doing some research for the UN's World Peace Day I came across this presentation giving in 1992 by Severn Suzuki to the United Nations.

Personally, I am a lot more optimistic and have a great deal more faith about our world and the people who live it, than what is presented in this Youtube video. But, in all fairness and as much as I don't like it what Ms Suzuki has to say is still relevant twenty years later. And, that makes me wonder how much closer to peace are we now than we were twenty years ago?

Inside the job of peace, what is your path?

ThInQ About It.

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