Friday, September 23, 2011

Insane? Possibly

Tokai (cartoon character)Image via WikipediaThey say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

For nearly ten months I have been engaged in a situation where - I was doing the same thing over and over again - expecting a different result.

Insane? Possibily. Especially when one of my most trusted friends told me I was starting to look like a cartoon character.

At first I thought what she said was funny, which in some weird way it was, but then I realized as Brittany Spears would say "oops I did it again!" 


Taking a good look at the whole sorted affair made me realize that the problem wasn't anything external. It was all about me. Neurotic I know - but it always gets back to your own truth. My action was inaction and inaction was driving me crazy.

Recently another friend asked me what I was up to - you have that look that you are up to something.

Of course, I was up to something.

I made a decision to release my own dramarama, got down to business, and started doing something different. Taking on a new course of action all the while being acutely aware of the anex of uncertainty and separation but confident enough to know that this was just a decision and things will unfold as they will.

From time to time we all get caught in this behavior pattern. The point is how long do you let it go on?

Life is sometimes not easy ONLY because we make it so hard on ourselves. And, when it gets to the point that things aren't fun anymore - its is time to change it up.

Different results are made when different decisions are made. Make them before your drive yourself insane.

ThInQ About It

And, while you are doing that here is Five for Fighting as posted on YouTube

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Unknown said...

Oh, I so agree with this one! I think we're all guilty of it at one time or another. That is why pausing every now and then to reassess our position in life is so important - it allows us an overview of our pattern of choices.

Also, having friends to point these things out to us is equally important. :)

Lisa I. McCausland said...

Great insight Swati. You are dead on. Was telling someone that I sometimes post articles that are a bit "darker" in nature because I know I am not the only one in the canoe. The question is how long do you allow yourself to focus on what is not working and move towards what you want and onto your bliss, and into the creative force to the land of realizing possibilties!