Saturday, January 15, 2011

Commitment, Clarity, and A Moment of Yes!

MANCHESTER, ENGLAND - JANUARY 24:  Laughter co...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Ever have one of those moments where the world has suddenly aligned and all you can do is raise your hands above your head, pulling them down towards you, and with utter glee you shout: Yes!

When that moment happens you feel awesome. There is nothing that can wipe the smile from your face. You walk with a little zip-pity-doo-da because you know that some really extra ordinary has happened.

This joy comes from experiencing success: when a goal, vision, dream or possibility has been realized.

There are many factors that come together for these moments, but one of the most important and perhaps critical elements of success is an unwavering and active demonstration of commitment.

According to Wikipedia commitment means to show loyalty, duty or a pledge to something or someone.

Sounds simple enough; however, it seems as society evolves commitment has become a lot more complicated.

With more freedoms, the influx and speed of information, and greater opportunities presenting themselves the more difficult it becomes to be loyal to any one thing, person, or organization. It can be all so overwhelming.

Now more than ever commitment is something that is becoming less understood and practiced. We seem to have one foot out the door at all times just incase the next best thing creeps up.

Have we traded the value of commitment for opportunity?

How do we know when we are just plain afraid of commitment versus looking for the best thing?

And, how does this affect our decision making?

The good news is that clarity seems to be the precursor to commitment.

So, how do you know when you are clear? Big tip: if you are disguising who you are to please anyone around you, including yourself – then you are not clear. You are experiencing the world outside of yourself and not from within. The other litmus test: when our time has come to meet our maker passing from one existence to another the only person in the room will be ourselves. What will be your story?

We need to ask ourselves important questions like: What is my intent? What would I like experience? What I am really afraid of? And, why?

Without clarity, there is no commitment, leaving success to become a fleeting moment of unattainable ideals resulting in a feeling of emptiness.

Fortunately, we have also learned not to give our commitment away for free. We are learning how to demand better. We have learned to question our leaders, the products we purchase, the media, and the treatment of ourselves and others. Commitment is not remaining loyal to an abusive or suppressive situation. That is something else entirely. Staying in that environment is just plain stupid and so is keeping people around us that don’t match up to who we are either. Harsh I realize, but it is truth.

Once clarity is realized, confidence is built, decisions are made, and a commitment is put into action. Before you know it, high fives are being smacked around the room.

There is nothing like experiencing success as an individual, a group, or in organization. It just feels good, plain and simple. Success requires commitment, clarity, and a moment of yes!

ThInQ About It!

And while you are thInQing About It, here is a little gem from the Pointer Sisters Yes We Can,Can as posted on YouTube.

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