Monday, January 24, 2011

The Bombshell Bible, Part Two: The Carriage

Liz Taylor (74sC xab)Image by jean-pierre jeannin via FlickrWalk with a purpose don’t let your body portray your state of mind. – Jacqueline Bradley

Chapters five through nine of The Bombshell Bible focuses on how to make an impressionable entrance and leaving a memorable exit. One’s carriage – how you present yourself physically - is key feature of Ms Bradley’s coaching. She provides great insight on how to prepare for the most difficult situations like running into the dreaded ex.

During any social engagement Bradley advises that eye contact is not staring! Suggesting that if one is uncomfortable with making eye contact practise on a baby or small children first as they give the best feedback. Jacqueline also gives tips on how to talk to strangers like asking "someone of interest" for the time as a good ice breaker.

My favourite part so far has been the advice on shopping with style and cleaning out the closet – the most important feature is how many pairs of shoes do you really need to own and what style of foot wear should really be in your shoe collection.... which of course gave me the excuse to purchase a pair of smart looking silver pumps, but I will get on that cleaning out the closet thing - eventually.

For the past two weeks I have been practising my smile, walk, and those entrance and exit moves - doing it my way. The place where I practise? The gym. And for those of you who may be tentative to practise walking as a Bombshell let me help you out because even when I run smack dab into one of the weight machines... which I somehow manage to do frequently - I just simply chuckle at my clumsiness and keep going remembering that Positive Thinking is a Bombshell’s best friend and that the bruising will eventally go away!  

Stay tune for a review and final reveal of the last five chapters!

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