Monday, August 30, 2010

Disco - Blog Off

In the last ten days my niece, who was visiting for a week, thought it would be a great idea to buy a hamster.

So, off we go to the local pet store for the big purchase. An hour later and about $50 afterwards we come out with a white rodent named Disco. Two days later and another $25 Disco was the proud owner of a pink exercise ball and a coconut house.

Apparently Disco is really cute.

I have not yet warmed up to the red eyes.

A white hamster with red eyes.

I had visions that in the middle of the night the beast would transform itself like the Incredible Hulk and escape from its cage running around the neighborhood terrorizing small animals and eating all the prize winning flowers. I did check, there was nothing reported in the newspaper about any strange occurances. Although I did consider trying to contact Wallace and Gromit, just incase.

Still he is always chewing at this cage. I am certain he is planning an escape.

The family dog Kia has not quite figured it out either. Other than her instincts to eat whatever is now hanging around.

May be we should test that theory? Just to be sure of course.

For fun we placed Disco in his exercise ball to let Kia and Disco have a little play. I think Kia enjoyed the experience more than Disco as he was spun around the kitchen like a top on fire. I was revealed that he survived the trip as the last thing I needed was a pet murder to end my niece’s holiday!

As kid I never desired a hamster. Just about every girl in my class had one and they all thought their pets were wonderful until they escaped and ended up in the walls of their parent’s home. The end result for their pets was never a happy story.

Personally, I equate hamsters with gophers and other rodents like mice and squirrels. Rodents, snakes, and lizards do not seem like overly fun pets to me. Why not keep a mosquito around just for fun? Whatever makes you happy, what do I know?

And, if Disco rocks my niece’s world all the more power to her that she has found something truly wonderful. The best part about the experience is how sweet and good natured my niece is towards her new pet inspite of his tiny red eyes. And, if she has found something beautiful and divine in her pet, then long may you dance Disco.

Speaking of dancing I went to the movies with my niece and this famous song of the disco era was played. So, while you are secretly hustling around your cubical to this post on YouTube why not check out what Busty has written about the picture I sent her and don't forget to leave a comment.

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