Monday, July 26, 2010

Naughty Artists Express Themselves - Blog Off

Nearly five hundred years ago Michelangelo pulled a fast one.

According to Fox News.

On July 20, 2010 Wynne Parry published an article titled Did Michelangelo Paint a Brain in God? The essence of the story is that researchers theorize that artist Michelangelo embedded an image of a human brain stem in God’s throat in one of the panels of his Sistine Chapel frescos.

For a man of his time, that was really living on the edge. Good thing we have moved away from that cliff.

Since the dawn of time societies have been dependent on the artistic expression of people like Michelangelo to play a significant role in the evolution of human kind. Artists help explain the world around us. They push past current boundaries giving way for new possibilities, forcing contemplation on how the world is experienced and they help with the transition from one state of mind to another. Artists bring forth new life sometimes controversially or comfortably.

Madonna or Maya Angelou? Both women are artists. They can be controversial and at the same time comfortable. One more than the other.

Artists help build rich and vibrant communities. Those communities who invest seriously in the arts tend to be innovative and progressive. In an article published by John A. Bratton and W.F. Garret-Petts from Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, B.C. on April 22, 2005 titled Art in the Workplace: Innovation and Culture-Based Economic Development in Canadian Small Cities. Bratton and Garrett-Petts believe that the arts provide conditions for developing and validating new “crazy” ideas or “out-of-the-box” thinking; in other words, for innovation.

I love out-of-the-box thinking. One of my best times was when I decided to make metallic looking palm trees for a project at work. Cutting the palm shapes out of brown paper bags was okay. It was when I plastered them with white glue then lighting the glue on fire that things got really exciting. The palm trees looked amazing. However, they smelled bad. Really bad.

To create is to cause to exist; to bring into being, through artistic or imaginative effort. (The American Heritage Dictionary) The internet and computer technology has liberated people from around the world to express themselves as never before. Some of this may be for good, some of it not so much. Regardless boundaries are being pushed, viewpoints are being expressed and ideas are being generated. Blogging is a perfect example of a new way of creative expression. The debate is out there as to whether or not it is credible journalism.

I am more incline to believe blogging is an emerging and new art form. That for me is incredibly exciting and I am curious as to what will be brought into existance because of it. Naughty Artists expressing themselves guaranteed!

Before writing a comment, why not kick off your shoe and jiggle around your computer desk to the Queen of Controversy Madonna in Express Yourself as posted on You Tube.

Let me know what you thInQ. Post your comment and head on over to Bust-A-Blog and see what was written about the picture I sent to Busty!
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