Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Your Rites - Blog Off

There is a little known a rite of passage that most go through as they enter into their pre-teens and it occurs the first time one stays up all night with their friends. Every parent know what it means because it is the un-official announcement of a new phase; an era of uprising in one’s household – its teen time!

I distinctly remember my first time – staying up all night. It was at the Challner’s. I have no clue what we did other than run around all night giggling, dancing under the moon, and then celebrating that we had made it when the sun rose. To this day that memory makes me smile, it was fun, youthful, and had absolutely no purpose other than just to be.

There is something mysterious about the moon. Forever changing, waning and waxing; comforting and soothing; liberating and romantic; mischievous and dangerous. She is never the same and every night is different. 

At some point in one's life we all turn to the moon to share a secret or two, say a prayer, or share a wish. It is often during this time we are thinking and dreaming under it's creative force.

However, it seems to me as we mature we spend less time with the moon. Responsibility takes us away from her nightly glow and we enter another passage of time: adulthood.

This is when we are expected to grow up and be responsible. We don't spend nearly enough time pondering under the night sky. We are too busy taking care of business.

On the May long-weekend I was reminded as to how much I had grown up.

Busty and I were camping at a local resort. On our last night a group of young men in their early twenties pulled in beside our camp site. They had stereo systems that could knock satellites from the sky. As we were leaving to go to a concert organized by the resort Busty and I both groaned, “Oh lord, these guys will be up all night partying.”

Imagine our surprise at three in morning, when we discovered these gentlemen all tucked in their tents wrapped up in their sleeping bags sawing logs.

How do I know? Because it was when we got back to our campsite driving a golf cart, honking the horn, and laughing under the moonlight. 

Take care of your business today, but don't forget your rite to play!  

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