Friday, October 11, 2019

thInQ: A Blizzard, A Pumpkin, Happy Thanksgiving

What does one do when an unexpected blizzard slams your world at the beginning of the Thanksgiving weekend? 

Turn on the tunes. 🎶🎵🎶

Roast up a pumpkin, boil the left over chicken, and attempt to make Pumpkin Soup.   

Nearing the final stages. I am going to let it sit before adding more flavours and orchestrating the purée part. 

The smoke detector only went off once. No fire trucks. 

The kitchen is in about as much disarray as the outdoors. At least it matches. 

Welcome to planet earth. You are here to create. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

thInQ: The Excursion

Photo by thInQ

And, small birds singing to their happy mates. 
Wild is the music of autumnal wind
Among the faded woods; but these blithe notes
Strike the deserted to the heart;  - I speak. 
Of what I know, and what we feel within. 

The Excursion 
William Wordsworth

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Song in My Head: Song of Women

The Hu.

Throat Singers.


Folk, Hard Rock, Traditional, Amazing.

Below is the lyrics translated. 

Imagine. Hard Rock respecting women. 

Welcome to the evolution.

And music buffs, check out those instruments. 

The palm tree grows and flowers As she sings softly my soul retains Honorable lady Compassionate and delicate The Argali springs and flies in the mountains Her fondness melts me languidly Honorable lady Compassionate and lovely The birds sing and tweet in the blue sky They are happy and joyful in their souls Honorable lady Compassionate and mesmerizing With the precious words of your forefathers With the milk blessed road of your mother's, the true path With the power of love for your motherland Have a fighter spirit in your body, be steady As if you were a sword with a sharp blade As if you were an arrow ready to shoot, spring and fly, ride and rise