Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Note to Self: Follow the Aliveness

Dear Self,

Focus on what makes you feel the most alive.

thInQ: The Art of the re-Purpose
A couple of weeks ago my friend Maree said to me “Welcome to planet earth. You are here to create. You are safe. There is no need to worry. There is no need to be afraid. Enjoy yourself and have fun.”

After she said that we both giggled and were a bit in awe of the moment. It was brilliant.

I’ve reflected upon that conversation several times since. What she said is true. Everything we do is an act of creation. The process never stops. Nothing stays the same, everything evolves.

Two weeks ago, I posted the Glass Tiger’s Diamond Sun as the Song in My Head. I love that version; the collaboration, the different languages, the addition of musicians, the inclusion of the spoken word, and the lyrics that delivers a simple yet powerful message.

I pondered what Maree said while listening to it this past Saturday; and considered other artists who at first glance we think of as “one hit wonders” but in reality, they are quite smashingly bright. They merely re-purposed what they already created. Flexing their artistic muscles, taking what they have accomplished and breathing new life into it; deeper, wider, and more expansive.
Artists like Vanilla Ice and Cyndi Lauper are two that came to mind immediately. Marilyn Mason, The Tenors, K.D. Lang, and Disturbed have their respective musical genera and they too have all done this successfully. 

Their ability to do this comes from practicing their skills, or betterstill playing at the things that make them feel alive and being open to the risky evolution and expansion of their craft. 

We all do this, in everything we do.

Welcome to planet earth. You are here to create. thInQ.

Song In My Head: I Wave Goodbye When Butter Flies

I adore this poem and its play on words by Jack Prelutsky. Found this version of it by Bethany Britton who made it her own by adding music. Enjoy!