Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Car, A Boat, and A Helicopter

Wroclaw, Poland: "Powodzianka" ~ &qu...
Wroclaw, Poland: "Powodzianka"
 ~ "flood victim woman" 
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Located near a river in the Foothills of Alberta was a small town.

In the spring of 2012 the townsfolk were ask to evaculate. 

You see, there had been an abnormal amount of snow fall that winter, particularly in the mountains. The spring on record for being the warmest in fifty years. A flood was on its way. To make matters worse a bad storm was also on the horizon.  

One man moved all his furniture and belongs to the top floor of his two story home. Then he went out onto the roof and sat.

The police drove up to the man's home, got out of the car and called to the man, "There is going to be a lot of water coming very soon. Get in the car. We will save you."

"No thank you," the man called back. "God will save me."

Sometime later the waters began to rise. It was half way up his home when a  motor boat happened along. One of passengers called out to the man, "The weather is about to turn bad and the river is continuing to rise, get in the boat. We will save you."

"No thank you," the man called back. "God will save me."

Soon the wind and rain started. The river began rising faster and more violently until it was nearly at the top of the man's home.

Overhead a helicopter arrived and the rescue team threw out to the man a ladder. Shouting as loud as they could, "Grab a hold of the ladder! We will save you."

"No thank you," the man called back. "God will save me."

The man drowned. Entering through the Pearly Gates the man walked right up to God and asked, "Why didn't you save me."

God replied, "I sent you a car, a boat, and a helicopter."

-author unknown


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