Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Ah... looking both ways before crossing the street is actually good advice.  


Song In My Head... Aaoooooo

Boo! Happy Halloween!

Do your Monster Mash today with Warren Zeveon and Werewolves Of London as posted on YouTube.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Thought in a million years I would like this song.

But, I do. Good show.

Here is Taylor Swift in We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together as posted on Youtube.

Notes To Self

Dear Self,

I am lucky to live in Manitoba.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Song In My Head - Like 14 Carats

Realize this tune has limited and yet seemly interesting subject matter. 


Rihanna's Diamonds as posted on YouTube.

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Notes to Self

Dear Self,

You are not Oscar the Grouch. (Although he is kind of cute)
Take the garabage out.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Car, A Boat, and A Helicopter

Wroclaw, Poland: "Powodzianka" ~ &qu...
Wroclaw, Poland: "Powodzianka"
 ~ "flood victim woman" 
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Located near a river in the Foothills of Alberta was a small town.

In the spring of 2012 the townsfolk were ask to evaculate. 

You see, there had been an abnormal amount of snow fall that winter, particularly in the mountains. The spring on record for being the warmest in fifty years. A flood was on its way. To make matters worse a bad storm was also on the horizon.  

One man moved all his furniture and belongs to the top floor of his two story home. Then he went out onto the roof and sat.

The police drove up to the man's home, got out of the car and called to the man, "There is going to be a lot of water coming very soon. Get in the car. We will save you."

"No thank you," the man called back. "God will save me."

Sometime later the waters began to rise. It was half way up his home when a  motor boat happened along. One of passengers called out to the man, "The weather is about to turn bad and the river is continuing to rise, get in the boat. We will save you."

"No thank you," the man called back. "God will save me."

Soon the wind and rain started. The river began rising faster and more violently until it was nearly at the top of the man's home.

Overhead a helicopter arrived and the rescue team threw out to the man a ladder. Shouting as loud as they could, "Grab a hold of the ladder! We will save you."

"No thank you," the man called back. "God will save me."

The man drowned. Entering through the Pearly Gates the man walked right up to God and asked, "Why didn't you save me."

God replied, "I sent you a car, a boat, and a helicopter."

-author unknown


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Notes To Self

Dear Self,

You can run. You can hide. But, not from yourself.
Eventually, the truth always comes out.


Song In My Head

And here I go...

You know the words.

Dolly Parton as posted on YouTube.

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Song In My Head - Livin On Sponge Cakes

Woke up this morning with this tune two steppin in my head. 

Jimmy Buffet just does it up right.

Hard to believe this one goes back to 1977. According to all things Wikipedia this song was orgininally to be recorded by Elvis Presley but he died.

Enjoy your secret sing a long with Margaritaville as posted on YouTube 'cause I know you will be!

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Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Wearing a Halloween Costume is like having a hot flash.
Not that I would know what a hot flash was or anything like that.
K - it's just hot.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Song In My Head

Song in my head upon waking at 3 am.

Thinking this is a new form of self torchure.

Although upon listening to it... this tune does have a skippy little beat in a rather confident kind of "I am taking over the universe kind of way."

One for the Universe then!


And while your are thinking here is Hot Chocolate and You Sexy Thing as posted on YouTube. Warning you will start chair dancing.

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Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Freezes are the best Halloween treat ever! 


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Shoulding Moment...

You, your colleagues, and your children should read this blog post by John Franklin Stephens to Ann Coulter

An Open Letter to Ann Coulter

Then seriously thInQAboutIT!

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Song In My Head... Poor Barry

Woke up with this song trolling through my head. How does that happen?

Not even going to try and thInQAboutIT!

Sharing Barry Manilow's Copacabana as posted on YouTube.


Notes To Self

Dear Self,

I forget what I was going to write about.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"I Set My Own Fashion" Cherry

Yes you do... and that is about having the confidence to march to your own drum. Don Cherry with Rick Mercer as posted on YouTube.


Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Wanna really know how challenging it is to break a habit?
Just change the password on your cell phone.


Oh and yeah, remember to buy green vegtables.
Oh and call your mother and text your niece.
And, wash the car.
And.... never mind this is not a sticky note!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?
Wow... you sound just like your mother.


One Man Would Be Nothing Without This...

It may have taken one man to write master piece after master piece, but everytime his music is played it takes a whole team of talented experts working together to make it happen.

Mozart - Flute and Harp Concerto as posted on YouTube.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Teamwork: Modify Your Dreams or Magnify Your Skills

Created for Chiesi Pharmaceuticals my favorite line in this video as posted on YouTube is modify your dreams or magnify your skills.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Equality = 100% equal.

77% is not equality.
Unless of course you failed math and language arts - repeatedly.


Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Time to burn the pantyhose.
Women's level of pay is around 77% of that of men.
It is 2012. I repeat it is 2012.
Why is this still being talked about?
Oh I know it makes everyone feel uncomfortable.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do Crazy Things...

and then I will fire you! Ted Talks presents business educator Eddie Obeng who calls for better understanding of creative output.


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Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Gary Dahl sold 1.5 million pet rocks in the 1970's and became a millionaire. The most successful ideas are the simpliest.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Lots To Think About In Seminole Wind by John Anderson

Believe you are smart enough to figure out the meaning to the story being told in John Anderson's Seminole Wind on your own. 

To start you off try this link to Wikipedia's Osceola. Rather interesting and colourful fellow. Mr. Anderson references him in this song about our choices and the, as Mr. Creighton would say it, ramifications of those choices. As posted on YouTube.


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Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Clean microwave. Shudder.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Notes To Self

Dear Self,

God has a sense of humour. Sometimes he's just not that funny.

PS Stay away from sharp objects today. It's barely 8 am and you've cut yourself twice.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Music Videos When

When music videos first became vogue they weren't about nearly naked people and sex. There was actually a raw artistic component to it.


Enjoy Talking Heads Burning Down The House as posted on Youtube

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Notes To Self

Dear Self,

When you pantyhose reaches near your armpits it's too big. You have shrunk. Buy a smaller size.

Thank you

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Make It Work

Doug and The Slugs as Posted on Youtube. It's Tuesday. Be the best you can. Make It Work!


Notes to Self

Dear Self,

If you want to achieve your goals it's called practise. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Thank you

Oh and PS pay the water bill.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Eating junk food on occasion is not a bad thing. Eating it all day every day is silly. There is a reason why we call it junk. What is left of your brain please use.

Thank you.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Thank you for remembering the coffee, green vegtables, and protein bars!

Had a thought. It's a really good one.

Since the vast majority of life forms on this plant reject the idea of war those that do... well... Mars has plenty of suitable land available for that sort of activity. Isn't that a win - win idea?

Just book some flights, gather up your equipment, and knock yourselves out!

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Scratch Your Own Itch

The most innovative and interesting thing you can do and create is to scratch your own itch!

That is what I am doing today. Something I have never done before and something I've always wanted to do. Play Time!

Now back to you but first enjoy this video as posted on YouTube with the late Alan Watt.


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Friday, October 5, 2012

Skyfall By Adele

Holy Crap this is good.

A friend shared this on Facebook this morning. What a great way to start the day!

What kind of rhythms start your day?


Enjoy Adele's Skyfall as posted on YouTube.

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Notes To Self

Dear Self,

You have awesome people in your life. Lucky you. Even the ones you don't always jive with. They come into your life to remind who you are and who you are not.

And today try to use the awesome power of you brain: buy coffee and green vegtables.

Thank you

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Taking on a muppet not a good idea. Somethings are more precious than gold.

Oh and you forgot the coffee and green vegtables.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Notes To Self

Dear Self,

You are an Auntie. And, just so you know. Aunties rule the Universe. Just Sayin'.

Oh and you forgot to buy coffee. Now you also need green vegtables.

Thank you

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Notes To Self

Dear Self,

Winnipeg's Emergency Services are awesome. Don't take people and what they contribute to this world for granted.

Thank you.

PS Don't forget to buy coffee.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ev'ry Day's A Holiday...

We'll have a blue room, A new room for two room, Where ev'ry day's a holiday....  with Ella Fitzgerald performing Blue Room as posted on YouTube.

Notes To Self

Dear God,

Read the news today. Remember to tell God a joke. She could use one.
