Friday, November 11, 2011

The Keeper Of The Lake

On Remembrance Day I not only think of those who have lost their lives in war, but also of those families who have been left behind. This story is about a veteran named Bill Goodwill.  He was a father, my grandfather, a creator, and my friend. In my youthful thinking I thought he would live forever... I should have learned more from him.

It is my experience that we all seem to have a clear picture of how we view the Military. However, we continue to struggle with how to handle conflict.

The motto of the Canadian Legion when educating in our school systems is "Never Again." This comes from people who genuinely know. May we continue to strive to live up to that expectation.

The Seine with a row-boat

November 7, 1998

The morning is silent.
A man sits patiently in his fishing boat
In the middle of a small lake.
He - is its Keeper.

Around him is pristine beauty.
Fall colours delicately painted
On trees, hills, and meadows.
He calls this home.

The air is fresh, crisp.
Sunbeams touch the water
Creating dancing images that mirror
The glitter in the Keeper’s eyes.

Wondering who this man is
We call out to him.
And, within an instant
He is before us.

With a mischievous twinkle
He hands us a rope
From the chilly water.
We give a little tug.

With ease
The line begins to move towards us.
With it comes
The keys to the Keeper’s life.

A jar of honey, a cowbell,
A sprig of wheat,
An engineer’s ring,
A fishing net.

Soon it releases his service,
A poppy,
Some medals,
And, a Legion Crest.

No desire for luxury items
The Keeper crafted his own.
Bookshelves from barn that once was his home,
Lamps crafted from wine jugs.

There were bouts of laughter with
The chattering teeth, wrapping paper, and
The sounds of him singing
“Chasing the Cows Through the Brandon Hills.”

A suitcase, clipboard, log patio set, and a
Silver ring from a World War II bullet case.
Lastly, the water let go of his tools.
A needle and thread, a hammer, saw, and hoe.

Amazed, we looked up at the Keeper.
Who gazed back at us.
We began to speak,
But something made us stop.

The Keeper said nothing,
Returned to his boat,
And rowed away,
Only to stop to cast forth a new net.

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