Sunday, October 23, 2011

Knowing What You Value Is Step Number Two In Setting Awesome Goals

KnowingKnowing (Image via next step in goal setting is knowing what it is that you value.

According to Wikipedia values can be defined as broad preferences concerning appropriate courses of action or outcomes. As such, values reflect a person’s sense of right and wrong or what “ought” to be. Values tend to influence attitudes and behavior.

An example of knowing your values would be if you are a champion for equal rights and you go to work for an organization that does not promote both men and woman equally nor does it pay men and women equally. You may find the experience of working for such an organization incompatible, stressful and not in alignment with who you really are - resulting in an unpleasant work experience.

Another example would be if you are someone who values family and wants to have children. You marry someone who does not want to have children hoping to convince them later. This will only lead to a great deal of discontentment and a life being left unfulfilled.

At the end of the day experiences are the only things that you get to take with you when you pass over to the other side. Knowing what it is that you value aligns your energy and allows you to focus on what kinds of experiences you wish to engage in.

As one matures and accumulates experiences along with expanded knowledge - personal and cultural values - from time to time may change and adjust. That is just the ebb and flow of life and one has to be open to the flexibility of change.

Identifying your values is an inside job that is expressed outwardly. Not the other way around. If you are relying on others to tell you what you should think and know then you are not being honest with yourself.

Knowing what is important to you starts with identifying with what makes you feel emotions such as happiness, well-being or contentment, love or joy.

Betterstill, what are the things that get you really excited? What is fun for you? What makes you laugh? What challenges your thinking? What expands your world?

The answers to these questions are your values. Take some time and figure them out – and you are one step closer to producing some awesome goals!

ThInQ About It!

And, while doing that why not take a moment to listen to the queen of changing values Madonna and her hit Human Nature as posted on YouTube.

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