Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Winnipeg International Storytelling Festival On The Path to Peace

Something unique is a foot in Winnipeg this weekend.

The Arthur V. Mauro Centre for Peace and Justice, at St. Paul’s College is hosting the 6th Annual Winnipeg International Storytelling Festival. Occurring from May 11 – 14, 2011 the Festival is the largest of its kind in Canada and the only Festival dedicated to storytelling and peacebuilding.

Designed to be part of the peacebuilding process and to encourage the building of communities the Festival plays a critical role in advancing global citizenship, promoting the protection of human rights along with nurturing the art of storytelling.

Honourary Chair of this year's festival is Hannah Taylor, founder of The Ladybug Foundation.

Featured tellers are found locally in Manitoba while others have traveled to Winnipeg from across Canada and from other parts of the world; including Ireland’s Liz Weir.

A few years ago I had the opportunity to meet Liz. She is brilliant.

The public events are free to attend and for more information head over to the University of Manitoba’s Website ( Storytelling Festival ).

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