Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bob, Bernice, and a Ukrainian Christmas Wish

Post-it notesImage via Wikipedia
While enjoying a glass of wine with my friend I asked her, “Tell me Bernice, what would you like for Christmas?”

She stared at me, taking a long sip of her beverage and said, “I would like Bob for Christmas.”


“Yes, Bob."

“Ah, Bernice, who or what is Bob?”

Bob is the love of my life, the one which stops me dead in my tracks, who takes my breath away, who makes my heart twirl; you know the ‘one’. I call him Bob.”

After pausing for a moment or ten, I asked “Ah Bernice, where does one find “Bob”?

God knows.”

“God knows.”

“God knows Bob?”

“Of course he does.”

“Yes, will you ask God to bring me Bob for Christmas?"

"You want me to ask God to bring you Bob? You know, God and I, Bernice I am not really sure if we are speaking clearly right now. ”

“Good this will get you back in touch.”


As any good friend would do I took on the task with great responsibility praying silently upon waking... “Dear God..." while at the gym, meditating... Bob is driving up to Bernice’s house right now..... before closing my eyes at bed time, “God please don’t forget to bring Bob to Bernice for Christmas.”

For added reinforcement I brought in the heavy artillery. Sticky notes.

Yes, if you want something done, leave a sticky note.

Sticky notes are left for God everywhere – the living room, car, kitchen, bathroom, office, just in case he got busy saving the world, performing miracles or something BIG like that. He could just glance my way and be reminded about another very important task: Bob and Bernice.

With the posting of the last sticky note on December 24th I had a kind of not so good feeling especially when I realized that I didn’t say which Christmas Bob was to arrive. Oops.

As disappointed as I was to hear that Bob did not make himself known on the 25th I realized that hope was still at hand and that maybe God really intended to drop Bob off on Ukrainian Christmas.

And, conceivably I could do a little more than just pray. Perhaps a little action needs to be taken. I definitely could use the help of earthly angelic like match-makers and that, my friend, is where you could become part of the story.

Somewhere out there is Bob larger than life and he is looking for Bernice.

Who is Bob? Well, this is what I know so far: he is tall, well built, handsome, and he likes to build things - as in houses and has a dream of owning a resort. He treats his mother well, but is not a mama's boy. He is outgoing, fun to be around, honest, and true.

Let me tell you a little about Bernice – good news that is not her real name. She is drop dead gorgeous if I were a guy I would probably say she is HOT. Bernice is older than 33 and younger than 40. She is smart, funny, compassionate, a great cook, and adventurous. She values her family and friends, and really loves to make people laugh. If Bob were to spin her around the dance floor he would instantly have her heart, oh and she likes smores.

Everyone deserves that one special partner in life that makes every day a new adverture. ThInQ About it. If you know Bob, drop me a line and let's make a Ukrainian Christmas come true.

And, you help you get your thinking cap on here is a smouldering rendition of Summer Wine by The Corrs and Bono as posted on YouTube.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

In The Desert of My Mind

dawn at the oasisImage by freshelectrons via Flickr

In the desert of my mind
All that’s here is space and time.
Persian carpets around me weave
Ballads of past and future peeks.

In the desert of my mind.

Gallant Knight in battle fast
The war today, a different task.
No more challenges to class
It’s down to words, whose will last?

Steed of black you come
Riding high in mid-day sun.
Knight in darkness he arrives
Scrambling to glimpse a plume on high.

An Oasis made just for you
Its only role is to witness truth.
Fountains flowing with all bestowed
A wishing well with all you've sowed.

Sweet wine made of bitter fruits
Saved upon lips of brutes.
Waiting for a sign
In the desert of my mind.

In the desert of my mind.

Turning away the hand of peace
The stand you take the vault released.
Seeing beyond the plastic mask
Clock moves closer to its task.

A necklace made of purple stone
Upon the sunlight’s radiant throne.
A cloak of silver and of gold
Freedom grasps beneath its folds.

In the desert of my mind.
All that’s here is yours and mine.
Draping around this sacred space
Alas, dear Knight I’ve seen your face.

In the desert of my mind.

Songbird Expression 32.2.19

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