Monday, September 20, 2010

Crazy or Not It’s Drama

Drama-iconImage via Wikipedia
Last week I found myself thinking about drama.

As serendipity would have it a friend of mine called me on Sunday with the very same subject rolling around in her mind.

Around the watercooler it seems that drama has become a bit of a put down, generally associated with the behaviour of woman or rather that of a drama queen. Although I am quite convinced that men can compete quite handily and equally in their own right as been dramatic.

What exactly is drama and how does it play into our daily lives?

According to yourdictionary drama is a literary composition that tells a story, usually of human conflict, by means of dialogue and action, to be performed by actors; any play that is not a comedy.

Apparently drama is not funny.

So, here is the question, how on earth do you have a relationship with anyone, man, woman, child, employee, or employer without ever telling a story or having a conflict?

The truth is I don’t think you can.

Drama is a part of our humanity, it is part of our personal growth, it is in fact how we learn to experience the world.

Otherwise, you might as well pop on a pair of wings and learn how to play a harp.

There is a difference between drama and a crisis, and if normal day to day dramatic experiences start to be treated as a regular crisis it may be that something in your life needs closer examination.

Overall emotional and mental health I imagine plays a role in one’s personal tolerance level of dramatic experiences and fair enough.

Crazy or not drama is a way in which we experience life and tell our stories. If there isn’t any drama going on in your life I wonder, is anything actually going on?

thInQ about it

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