Monday, September 27, 2010

An Observation of Beauty - Blog Off

A toad and a frog were sitting on the front stoop criticizing each other’s looks.

Each thought himself beautiful and the other ugly.

While they were posturing, a girl happened by and was disgusted by both.

"Yeaccchh!!" she screamed, and she stomped on each and ran away.

Yeah after that, what more can I say, except... hop on over to Bust-A-Blog and see what Busty wrote about this week!
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Monday, September 20, 2010

Crazy or Not It’s Drama

Drama-iconImage via Wikipedia
Last week I found myself thinking about drama.

As serendipity would have it a friend of mine called me on Sunday with the very same subject rolling around in her mind.

Around the watercooler it seems that drama has become a bit of a put down, generally associated with the behaviour of woman or rather that of a drama queen. Although I am quite convinced that men can compete quite handily and equally in their own right as been dramatic.

What exactly is drama and how does it play into our daily lives?

According to yourdictionary drama is a literary composition that tells a story, usually of human conflict, by means of dialogue and action, to be performed by actors; any play that is not a comedy.

Apparently drama is not funny.

So, here is the question, how on earth do you have a relationship with anyone, man, woman, child, employee, or employer without ever telling a story or having a conflict?

The truth is I don’t think you can.

Drama is a part of our humanity, it is part of our personal growth, it is in fact how we learn to experience the world.

Otherwise, you might as well pop on a pair of wings and learn how to play a harp.

There is a difference between drama and a crisis, and if normal day to day dramatic experiences start to be treated as a regular crisis it may be that something in your life needs closer examination.

Overall emotional and mental health I imagine plays a role in one’s personal tolerance level of dramatic experiences and fair enough.

Crazy or not drama is a way in which we experience life and tell our stories. If there isn’t any drama going on in your life I wonder, is anything actually going on?

thInQ about it

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Thelma and Louise: How Lucky am I? - Blog Off

You didn’t hear much from me during the month of August and that was in part because Busty and I took off on another highway adventure.

Last summer our escapades took us to a small town in northern Ontario with the purpose of swimming with the polar bears. This year’s trip dubbed Thelma and Louise Tour headed to points west. Although I must admit I couldn’t remember if I was Thelma or Louise, seriously my main concern was what did we do with Brad Pitt? Did we leave him at the Esso station?

In a splashy red convertible wearing our Princess for the Day crowns we criss-crossed our way over the Prairie Provinces visiting our neighbours.

As co-pilot, I was in charge of navigation – don’t even get me started on the GPS system it got put in the glove box quickly - and to employ my talent as a self proclaimed meteorologist. I should note that this skill drives Busty nutty.

All I can say is, “Did I not warn you about that dark coloured cloud on the way to Edmonton?” Hmm? No harm done – it is kind of fun driving with the top down in the rain, I’ve never had that experience before.

The theme of the trip last summer was about the art of being present - kind of an important feature when you are on the road for six hours a day. This summer at ease with six hour drives (Eckhart Tolle eat your heart out!) I contemplated endlessly about the purpose of the adventure. What was the overriding experience?

As a child there are times when we may get a bit unruly and we test our parents to the very limit of their existence. I am not admitting that I would ever do that since I am absolutely perfect, but I do recall from time to time my mother telling me in a rather high pitched assertive manner, “You kids don’t know how lucky you are.” Not sure if I had a response to that but now that I am older and wiser –she was right. I don’t know how lucky I am and that was what this trip was all about.

Everywhere we went Busty and I were greeted with open arms and hospitality. We ate really good food, drank exceptionally great wine, all while sharing stories and experiences with our neighbours, friends and family alike.

These are people who work hard at their given vocations, love their families and their neighbours, they give back to their communities and are guilty of being visionaries and volunteers. Moreover, each one of them invests in unique experiences.

We were able to see points west with the top down, the wind blowing through our hair, and strange particles smudged all over our sunglasses. We made friends with two lovely people from Edmonton who were driving down the highway in a newly purchased Viper along with Wren the dog and Lucky the cat.

For the first time in my life, I completely felt safe enough to let go – of everything and with several hundred miles under the wheels of that hot red convertible I realized the entire time we were free. And, that was the purpose of the Thelma and Louise journey.... I am free to be me, and how lucky is that?

So, the next time you are cruising down the highway on your next adventure, why not download George Michael's Freedom as featured on YouTube to help you get from point A to B? In the meantime, crank the volume, and skip over to Bust A Blog and see what Thelma and Louise story she is sharing!

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Thought About Success Magazine

Been engaged with this publication for over a year and consider myself a bit of a junkie. Topics covered in Success Magazine are wide ranging with emphasis on active leadership and achievement.

What is enjoyable about Success is that is inspires innovation and encourages the reader to be creative. Whenever I don't feel overly motivated or am feeling blocked I either pull out one of the issues or pop the cd into my computer.

The visual layout of this publication is classy and professional with photos and graphics that are intriguing and well balanced. The storytelling is fascinating and engaging. One of the most attractive features of this magazine is the complementary CD in every issue.

No matter your vocation, this is a magazine that everyone can enjoy and get something out of it.